jeudi 24 septembre 2009

That which invalidates the fast

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It is obligatory for the Muslim to know of all that invalidates the fast so as to be aware of them.

That which invalidates the fast:

1) Sexualintercourse:Whenever the fasting person has sexual intercourse, hisfast is invalidated. Subsequently, he is required to make up the fastfor that day in which he had sexual intercourse in addition to paying apenalty (kaffaarah) which is to free a slave. If he is unable to find aslave or funds that are equal to that, then he is required to fastconsecutively for two months. If he is unable to fast for two months,due to an Islaamically acceptable reason, he is to feed 60 poor peoplehalf a saa' each from the food common in that land.

2) Excretion of semenas a result of kissing, touching with desire, masturbation orpersistently looking at that which arouses the desire. In this case,the fast is invalidated and he is required to make up for that daywithout paying a penalty (kaffaarah), since paying a penalty isspecific to having had sexual intercourse.

3) Intentionally eating and drinking, due to that which Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says:
{...andeat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to youdistinct from the black thread (darkness of night), then complete yourSawm (fast) till the nightfall}, [Soorah al-Baqarah, Aayah 187]

As for he who eats and drinks out of forgetfulness, then this does not affect his fast as is mentioned in the following hadeeth:
(Whoeverforgetfully eats or drinks, then he should complete his fast, forindeed it was Allaah who provided him the food and drink)

And from that which breaks the fast iswater and other such substances to pass his throat via his nose. Thisis known as as-Sa'oof. Likewise, taking a nutritional injectiondirectly into the vein and taking a blood transfusion whilst fasting.All of these invalidate the fast, as it constitutes nutrition for thebody.
As regards a non-nutritional injection,then it is better for one who is fasting to avoid this so as to protecthis fast. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:
Leave that which you are doubtful (about) for that which are not doubtful (about)
And as such delay it until after having broken the fast at the time of Maghrib.

4) As for extractingblood via cupping or opening a vein or donating blood for medicalreasons, then all of this invalidates the fast. As regards giving asmall blood sample for testing purposes, then this does not affect thefast. Likewise, this applies to the unintentional flow of bloodresulting from a nose bleed, injury or having a tooth removed. All ofthese do not affect the fast.

5) Intentional vomitingalso invalidates the fast. However, the fast is not affected if he isovercome and is forced to vomit without intending so. This is basedupon the statement of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam):
Whoever is overcome (and forced)to vomit, then he is not required to make up (the fast for that day)and whoever intentionally vomits then he must make up (the fast forthat day.

The fasting person should not exerthimself whilst gargling and sniffing water up his nose (when makingwudhoo.) because it is quite possible the water may pass his throat andthereby enter his stomach. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)said:
Whilst making wudhoo.) exert yourself in sniffing water up the nose except if you are fasting.

Using the miswaak (tooth-stick) does not affect the fast, rather it is recommended, whether fasting or not, throughout the day.

His fast is not affected if any dust or even a fly was to reach his throat.

It is obligatory for the fasting person to refrain from lying, backbiting and swearing, even if someone was to swear at him. If this is the case, he should say:
(indeed), I am fasting

Certainly, some people find it easy toabstain from food and drink but find it difficult to abandon that whichhas become a habit for them from evil speech and actions. This is whysome of the Pious 

Predecessors have said:
The easiest (type of) fast is abstaining from food and drink.

So it is upon the Muslim to fear Allaahand be aware of Him and His Greatness and the fact that He Sees allthat we do, such that absolutely nothing remains hidden from him. Indoing this, he should protect his fast from all that invalidates it orreduces it's reward so that his fast remains correct and,inshaa.-Allaah, is accepted by Allaah.

It is befitting for the fasting personto busy himself in the remembrance of Allaah, reciting the Qur.aan andincreasing in the performance of naafilah (voluntary) prayers.

It used to be that when the Pious Predecessors would fast, they would sit in the masaajid and they would say:
We shall protect our fast and not backbite anyone.

The Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:
Whoever does not abandon evilspeech and actions, then Allaah is not in need of him having left hisfood and drink (i.e. fasting).

This is because seeking nearness toAllaah is not complete simply by leaving our personal desires (ofeating and drinking, etc). Rather, it is by leaving that which Allaahhas prohibited at all times in terms of lying, oppression and the like.In a narration, Abu Hurayrah said:
The fast is accepted as worship so long as no Muslim has been backbitten or harmed.

And it is narrated by Anas, who said:
The one who has backbitten the people whilst fasting has not really fasted.

Shaykh Ibn Fowzaan
al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhee - Volume 1, Pages 268-270

1 commentaires:

Assalamu Alaykum,

2) Excretion of semen as a result......

what about unintentional, like you were sleeping or a little bit just came out.

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