jeudi 24 septembre 2009

Feed a Fasting Person, for the sake of Allaah

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The Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, quote:

"Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward."
[At-Tirmidhi, authenticated by Al-Albani (rahimahullaah).]

It has been explained by the people of knowledge that whoever gives a Muslim something to break his fast with, he will receive this reward that came in this hadith. "Breaks" is a general word and giving him dates is considered breaking. The sunnah is to break your fasting by dates, as has been narrated by Anas (radiallaahu ‘anhu), who said, "The Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) used to break his Saum (fasting) before performing Maghrib prayer with three fresh date-fruits; if there were no fresh date-fruits, he would eat three dry dates; and if there were no dry date-fruits; he would take three draughts of water." [At-Tirmidhi]

Suggestion: Buy a box [or boxes] of dates, and hand it [them] over to the masjid, for the sake of none but Allaah, to provide to the worshippers at the time of breaking the fast.

Anas (radiallaahu ‘anhu) reported: The Prophet (salallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) came to visit Sa’d bin ‘Ubadah (radiallaahu ‘anhu) who presented bread and olive oil to him. The Prophet (salallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) ate it and said, "The observers of fast have broken their fast with you (this is the literal translation, but the meaning is: ‘May Allaah reward you for providing a fasting people with food to break their fast’); the pious people have eaten your food and the angels invoked blessings on you." [Abu Dawud]

The Commentary from Riyad-us-Saliheen reads: The word "Aftara" is informative in nature, but it is used in the sense of a prayer. Thus, what it denotes is "May Allaah give you the reward of one who arranges for the Iftar (breaking the Saum) of somebody." Thus, it induces one to hospitality according to his means.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih Al-’Uthaimeen (rahimahullaah) said,

"Those who have the ability should strive to feed those who are fasting (when it’s time to break the fast) either in the masaajid or in other places. This is since whoever feeds a fasting person, he will receive the same reward as the one fasting. So if a person feeds his brothers who are fasting, he will receive the same reward as them. Therefore, those whom Allaah has granted wealth should take advantage of this opportunity to obtain a great reward."

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