lundi 21 novembre 2011

Poem: Nothing Compares

by Farheen Naaz

This is dedicated to
all the fathers out there who adore their daughters to an extent which makes the daughter say -- Oh God! And also for all the daughters who feel maybe he's being too overprotective.

Nothing compares to the comfort of walking sleepy-eyed into the living room every morning and seeing him reading the newspaper . . .
Nothing compares to the sense of security that you feel when despite your loud protests, he insists on dropping you somewhere just so he is assured that you have reached safely . . .
Nothing compares to the feeling of individuality that only he could give by asking for your opinion on significant family decisions, even when you were just 12 . . .
Nothing compares to the delight you feel when he expresses amazement that your birthday is not important enough to be a national holiday . . .
Nothing compares to the sense of camaraderie you feel when it's you and your father versus mom and your brother . . .
Nothing compares to the spark in your mother's eyes when she gets a pair of earrings from him on their anniversary . . .
Nothing compares to the feeling of exceptionality he insists in you when he genuinely thinks that any guy isn't good enough for someone as unique as you . . .
Nothing compares with the knowledge that no matter what life throws at you, dad will always help you fix it . . .
And finally, absolutely nothing compares to the taken-for-granted feeling that no matter where you are, he is just a phone call away . . .

Thank you for being there always!

4 commentaires:

this is wow! super sweet! loved it! :D <3

Asalamu alykum wA wb,

I love this! I really truly do. It brought tears to my eyes, just pondering on the lines of this beautiful poem. SubhanAllah how we fail to realize just how much our fathers have sacrificed for us, and how their "overprotectiveness" is sometimes glossed over because we feel it's too much. May Allah (swt) guide our fathers and grant them a place in jannatul-firdous! Say ameen. 

Wsalaam =)

THis was such a sweet poem, Jazak Allahu Khayr!

As-salaamualaikum wr wb! 

Jazak Allahu khair for the lovely comments :) 

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