FEATURED! 10 tips on how to become a successful wife.

Muhammad al-Shareef made a lengthy research and written a gem that should be read by all women of Islam: the tips of becoming a successful wife.

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dimanche 31 juillet 2011

Poem: Finally

By Amal Milaa Filza

On my own, nowhere to go,
Lost in this world,
But I know you are here.
When will I find you, my dear?
Only you can ease my pain.
Make this hurt disappear.
So many sleepless nights,
Imprisoned by Shaytaan, But I wont give up this fight.
It’s you for who I long.
I’m waiting for the strength to carry on.
There is nothing in this Dunya that can replace your love.
It’s been so many months,
But now I can feel it.
The end is near sight.
Behind the blackness I can finally see the light.
Bright up my view.
Make me feel brand new.
Blow away my fears.
Ramadan is finally here.

Video: Towards An Outstanding Ramadan

"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed upon those before you in order that you may attain taqwaa [in general, it means 'God consciousness,' 'God awareness,' 'fear of God,' and so on]." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2):183]

samedi 30 juillet 2011

How can one prepare oneself for Ramadan?

How can one prepare oneself for Ramadan?
by Dr. Sano Koutoub Moustapha

Let us keep praying Almighty Allah to bless us in the month of Sha`ban and give us the chance to fast the month of Ramadan. For better preparation for the holy month of Ramadan, I propose the following:

1.Keep praying daily that Allah gives us the chance and grants us good health that will enable us to fast the holy month.

2.Start repenting and seeking the forgiveness of the Almighty for all our wrongdoings before Ramadan.

3.Seek the strength from Allah to fast in the way that He likes and wants.

4.Seek forgiveness from all members of your family, workmates, neighbors, and relatives for any wrongdoing against them.

5.Refrain from backbiting, slandering, and unlawful mixing with people.

6.Clean your heart and soul from envy, jealousy, hypocrisy, arrogance, and all heart diseases.

7.Seek the blessings of your parents, if they are alive, and their forgiveness for your shortcomings towards them.

8.Increase your du`aa'and commitment to your daily duties and obligations.

With this, I think, we will be able to achieve the main goals of fasting.

Video Series: Ramadan Fiqh Issues

Ramadan Fiqh Issues (4 part series)
Course By Salim Al-Amry Shown on Huda TV

vendredi 29 juillet 2011

Suggested program for the Muslim during Ramadan

Praise be to Allaah.

May Allaah accept all our righteous words and deeds, and help us to be sincere in secret and in public. 

There follows a suggested program for the Muslim during this blessed month: 

The Muslim’s day in Ramadaan: 

The Muslim starts his day with suhoor before Fajr prayer. It is better to delay suhoor until the latest possible time of the night. 

Then after that the Muslim gets ready for Fajr prayer before the adhaan. So he does wudoo’ at home and goes out to the mosque before the adhaan. 

When he enters the mosque, he prays two rak’ahs (tahiyyat al-masjid – greeting the mosque). Then he sits and keeps busy making du’aa’, or reading Qur’aan, or reciting dhikr, until the muezzin gives the call to prayer. He repeats what the muezzin says, and says the du’aa’ narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to be said after the adhaan ends. Then after that he prays two rak’ahs (the regular Sunnah of Fajr), then he occupies himself with du’aa’ and reading Qur’aan until the iqaamah for prayer is given. He is in a state of prayer so long as he is waiting for the prayer. 

After offering the prayer in congregation, he recites the dhikrs that are prescribed following the salaam at the end of the prayer. After that if he wants to sit in the mosque until the sun has risen, reciting dhikr and reading Qur’aan, that is preferable, and that is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to do after Fajr prayer. 

Then about one-quarter of an hour after the sun has risen, if he wants he can pray Duha prayer (a minimum of two rak’ahs), and that is good. Or if he wants he can delay it until the preferred time, which is when the day has grown hotter and the sun is higher in the sky – that is better. 

Then if he wants he may sleep to prepare himself for going to work, and he can intend by sleeping to strengthen himself for worship and earning a living, so that he will be rewarded for it in sha Allah. He should also follow the etiquette of sleep that is prescribed in sharee’ah, both actions and words. 

Then he goes to work, and when the time for Zuhr prayer comes, he goes to the mosque early, before the adhaan or immediately after it, and he should get ready to pray beforehand. So he prays four rak’ahs with two tasleems (the regular Sunnah before Zuhr), then he keeps busy reading Qur’aan until the iqaamah for prayer is given, and he prays with the congregation, then he prays two rak’ahs (the regular Sunnah after Zuhr). 

Then after the prayer he goes and finishes whatever of his work is left, until it is time to leave work. If there is a long time to go after finishing his work until the time for ‘Asr prayer, then he can rest. But if there is not enough time and he fears that if he sleeps he will miss ‘Asr prayer, then he should keep busy doing something suitable until the time for ‘Asr comes, such as going to the market to buy some things that his family needs and the like, or going straight to the mosque when he has finished his work, and staying in the mosque until he has prayed ‘Asr. 

Then after ‘Asr, it depends on his circumstances. If he can stay in the mosque and keep busy reading Qur’aan, this is a great opportunity. But if he feels tired, then he should rest at this time so that he will be ready to pray taraaweeh at night. 

Before the adhaan for Maghrib, he should get ready to break his fast, and he should do something at this time that will benefit him, whether reading Qur’aan, making du’aa’, or having a useful conversation with his wife and children. 

One of the best things that he can do at this time is to take part in offering iftaar to those who are fasting, whether by bringing food to them or helping to distribute it to them and organizing that. This brings a great joy which no one knows except those who have experienced it. 

After iftaar, he goes and prays in congregation in the mosque, and after the prayer he prays two rak'ahs (the regular Sunnah of Maghrib). Then he goes back home and eats whatever is available – without eating too much. Then he looks for a suitable way for himself and his family to spend this time, whether reading a book of stories, or a book on practical rulings, or a quiz, or permissible conversation, or any other useful idea that is of interest to the members of the family and will distracts them from the haraam things that appear in the media which regard this as their prime time, so you find the media transmitting their most attractive programs at that time, that may contain immoral and obscene material. Strive to turn away from that, and fear Allaah with regard to your “flock” (i.e., your family) concerning whom you will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection, so be prepared to answer the questions. 

Then get ready for ‘Isha’ prayer, go to the mosque and keep busy reading Qur’aan or listening to the lesson being given in the mosque. 

Then after that perform ‘Isha’ prayer, then pray two rak’ahs (the regular Sunnah of ‘Isha’), then pray taraaweeh behind the imam with humility and focus, pondering the meanings of what is recited. Do not finish until the imam finishes. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever stands (and prays) with the imam until he finishes, it will be recorded as if he spent the night in prayer.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1370, and others. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Salaat al-Taraaweeh, p. 15.)

Then after Taraaweeh you can make a program for yourself that is suited to your circumstances and personal commitments. But you should pay attention to the following: 

  • Keeping away from all haraam things and whatever may lead to them. 
  • Paying attention to ensuring that your family avoid falling into any haraam thing or whatever may lead to that, in a wise manner, such as preparing a program just for them, or taking them out for leisure trips to permissible places, or keeping them away from bad friends, or looking for good friends for them. 
  • Keeping busy with things that take priority. 
Then you should try to sleep early, whilst paying attention to the etiquette of sleep as prescribed in sharee’ah, both actions and words. If you read some Qur’aan or some beneficial books before going to sleep, that is something good, especially if you have not yet completed your daily portion of Qur’aan – so do not go to sleep until you have completed it. 

Then wake up before suhoor, allowing enough time to recite du’aa’, because this time – the last third of the night – is the time when Allaah descends, and Allaah has praised those who seek His forgiveness at this time, and has promised those who call upon Him at this time that He will answer them, and that He will accept the repentance of those who repent to Him at this time. So do not neglect this great opportunity. 


Friday is the best day of the week, so you should have a special program of worship on this day, in which you pay attention to the following: 

Coming early to Jumu’ah prayer. 

Staying in the mosque after ‘Asr prayer, and keeping busy with reading Qur’aan and making du’aa’ until the last hour of this day, for that is a time when du’aa’s are answered. 

Make this day an opportunity for completing some of your deeds that you did not finish during the week, such as completing your weekly portion of Qur’aan, or finishing reading a book or listening to a tape and other good deeds. 

The last ten days of Ramadaan: 

The last ten days of Ramadaan include Laylat al-Qadr which is better than a thousand months. Hence it is prescribed for a person to observe i’tikaaf (“retreat” for the purpose of worship) in the mosque during these ten days, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to do, seeking Laylat al-Qadr. Whoever can observe i’tikaaf at this time, this is a great blessing from Allaah. 

Whoever cannot observe i’tikaaf for the entire period should do as much as he is able to. 

If he is not able to do i’tikaaf at all, then he should try to spend the nights in worship. Praying qiyaam, reading Qur’aan, remembering Allaah and making du’aa’. He should prepare for that by resting during the day so that he will be able to stay up at night. 


This program is just a suggestion. It is a flexible schedule that each person can adapt to his own circumstances. 

This program pays attention to the Sunnahs that are proven from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It does not mean that everything mentioned here is an obligatory duty, rather it includes many things that are Sunnah and mustahabb. 

The most beloved of actions to Allaah are those which are continuous even if they are little. At the beginning of the month a person may be keen to do acts of worship, then he may slow down. Beware of that, and strive to persist in all the actions that you do in this blessed month. 

The Muslim should strive to organize his time in this blessed month so that he will not miss out on a great opportunity to do more good and righteous deeds. For example, a person should try to buy all the things that the family needs before the month begins, and he should buy day-to-day needs at times when the stores are not crowded, and visits to friends and family should be organized in such a way that they do not distract from acts of worship. 

Make doing lots of acts of worship and drawing closer to Allaah your priority in this blessed month. 

Resolve at the beginning of the month to go to the mosque early at the times of prayer, and to complete the Book of Allaah, and to regularly pray qiyaam al-layl in this great month, and to spend (in charity) what you can of your wealth. 

Make the most of the opportunity that the month of Ramadaan brings to strengthen your connection to the Book of Allaah, by utilizing the following means:

Read the verses correctly. The way to do that is to have your reading corrected by someone who knows how to read well. If you cannot do that, then by listening to tapes of expert readers. 
Revise what Allaah has enabled you to memorize, and memorize some more. 

Read the tafseer (commentary) on the verses, either by looking up the verses you do not understand in reliable books of tafseer such as Tafseer al-Baghawi and Tafseer Ibn Katheer and Tafseer al-Sa’di, or by making a program to read a book of tafseer. Start first with the thirtieth Juz’ (section) of the Qur’aan, then mover on to the twenty-ninth juz’, and so on. 

Strive to apply the commands that you read in the Book of Allaah.  

We ask Allaah to perfect for us the blessing of Ramadaan, and to help us fast and pray qiyaam throughout the whole month, and to accept (these acts of worship) from us, and to forgive us for our shortcomings.
Islam Q&A

jeudi 28 juillet 2011

Pre-Ramadan Newsletter & Resources from Habibi Halaqas!

First things first! The recording of our latest webinar Ramadan Prep: Controlling your Nafs Webinar withYasmin Mogahed is finally OUT! Click HERE to access the recording. 

If you have any feedback from the webinar please email it to us at habibihalaqas@gmail.com - we look forward to benefitting from your ideas!


It was narrated that Abdullah ibn Mas’ood said: Whoever reads Surah al-Mulk every night, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Messenger of Allah (saws) we used to call it al-maani’ah (that which protects). In the Book of Allaah it is a soorah which, whoever recites it every night has done very well. [Sunan An-Nasa'i] 

Have you ever wanted to feel the sweetness of salah with a long qiyaam? Memorize surah Mulk with us this Ramadan! 30 DAYS, 30 AYAHS - YOU CAN DO IT! We will be posting all necessary info regarding each ayah, everyday, right HERE! (You dont need to be on facebook to view this). So far, more than 850 brothers and sisters from around the world have joined us! What are you waiting for? Lets do this together inshaAllah!


Ramadan Prep Articles on our website! Everything you need to read to get ready for Ramadan! Be sure to Read and Comment!

Benefit optimally from the fasting month of Ramadan

If you would like to submit some of your own writings to be featured on Habibi Halaqas website - here's good news! We are now accepting cross-posts and guest submissions :) Email them to editor.habibi@gmail.com 




Ever Wished Ramadan Was So Productive That You Reach The End Of It Completely Guilt-Free? Now you can! Join Productive Muslim's Ramadan Membership Course. Click HERE. Hurry! Only open until 15th of Ramadan!


Life is nothing but a race where all of us are hoping we will see jannah across the finish line. I invite YOU to do something beneficial for the ummah and leave a positive legacy of good deeds! 

If you are someone who is looking to build up their good deeds by working with Habibi Halaqas - an Islamic initiative with the intent to please Allah; and at the same time be professionally get involved in areas of video making, graphic designing, magazine editors, column writer/editor, article authors, public relations work for immense ajr from Allah, limited  perks and professional descriptions for your resume/biodata then simply email habibihalaqas@gmail.com with your area of interest!


I also request you to support us in our endeavors and gain ajr through Habibi Halaqas. 
Allah has truly put barakah in this project, alhumdulillahi rabbil 'alameen, and I wish for all of you to be a part of this.  DONATE HERE

Email us at habibihalaqas@gmail.com for any questions, comments and suggestions

Habibi Halaqas - http://habibihalaqas.org

 Also, join HabibiHalaqas on the web


Poem: The Blessed Month

The Blessed Month
by Sonika Dhingra

The blessed month is coming up again
Happy times are going to be here again

Shaitaan will be trapped once again
Rewards will be multiplied by 70 again :-)

Yes one year is almost about to pass
So how many good deeds did you amass ?

You did great with all the changes you made
With every prostration you raised in grade

You met new people, learnt new things
Increased love by passing the greetings

And all the hard times you went through
With much patience closer to Allah you grew

But never despair, this cycle will always go on
Even the darkest of night will see a dawn

But if you want the happiness to last forever
Guard your prayers and be among the clever

Let Qur'an be your guide, Allah be your only wali
Love for Allah and hate for Allah, make dhikr daily

So gear up, recharge the batteries of your iman again
Get ready to gain maximum blessings again

A great time to earn endless rewards is coming up again
Ramadan, the blessed month is coming up again :-)

mercredi 27 juillet 2011

Time Management Tips for Ramadan

“Ramadhan has arrived to you, a month of barakah (blessings), Allaah envelops you (with His mercy & blessings),  so He descends His mercy, erases the sins, answers your du3aas, and He watches your competition in virtuous deeds and He boasts in front of the angels about you. So let Allaah see the best from you, for truly, the miserable one is he who is deprived from the mercy of Allaah (in this month)."  [Tabaraanee, Saheeh]

Time management tips for Ramadaan

Some practical tips to maximize the time during Ramadaan & to prepare ourselves for 3Ibaadah & worship during this blessed month of Ramadaan.

Clean up the time:

a) Telephone:
Minimize your chat on the telephone. If you are used to chat with your friends on a regular basis, try to make it short. Share with her the importance of this month & tell her that you want to devote yourself for 3Ibaadah in order to get the maximum reward in this month. 

Share with her these tips.

b) Cooking:
Try to cook something simple during Ramadaan as this is a month of 3Ibaadah & Qur’aan, not the month of food. There are some husbands who push their wives to cook different varieties of food & sisters have to spend their time in the kitchen. If it’s very necessary, keep a tape of Qur’aan in the kitchen & listen to it while you are busy in kitchen, or keep your tongue moist with the Dhikr. [find out some short cut & tips to prepare the food quickly]

C) Shopping:
Get all your shopping done before Ramadaan. Make a list of the things/grocery/ items, that is enough for one month & buy it all together.

Important: Try to do the Eed shopping NOW. The last ten days of Ramadaan when we have to be doing more Ibaadah & spend our time in doing good deeds, most of the muslims are busy in doing shopping for Eed & their kids.

Sisters! These ten days, we have to exaggerate ourselves in doing more 3Ibaadah & to catch Laylat-ul-Qadr. Make this Ramadaan a very different from all the previous ramadhans.

D) Dinner Parties/Iftaar:

Iftaar parties during ramadaan are getting very common now. This is the month for you sisters. We have the rest of the full year to do parties & to socialize. Indeed it’s a great reward to break someone’s fast but give food to people who are needy & poor.

The prophet Sallalahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever gives food to a fasting person with which to break his fast, will have a reward equal to his, without it detracting in the slightest from the reward of the fasting person.” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi  Saheeh al-Targheeb).

E) Sleeping:

Cut less the time of sleep during this month. It’s a month of 3Ibaadah, doing good deeds. Who knows, this could be our last ramadaan. Reduce your sleeping hours. Its only one month & then you can get back to your normal routine.

(*) Computer & Internet: (1)
This is a personnel experience & request. Spending a lot of time on the internet, even if visiting Islaamic sites really takes hours without notice. Try to minimize your internet timings by just checking emails/stuff once a week. 

Now we have cleaned up a big amount of time, let’s schedule it for 3Ibaadah.

1) Fard:

Pray the Obligatory salaah (prayer) on time with Khushoo. Get yourself ready as soon as the time of salaah comes in. Make du3aa to Allaah to give you khushoo & try to get rid of all the thoughts & waswaas that comes in the mind. Think as you are standing in front of your LORD, the Almighty.

2) Sunnah & Nawafil:

If you are already praying the 12 sunnah, continue them & add the 2 raka3ah of sunnah after Dhuhr. [making them 14 altogether].

The prophet Sallalahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever maintains 4 raka3ah before Dhuhr & 4 raka3ah after Dhuhr, Allaah will make the fire haraam on that person” [Ibn-Maajah, Tirmidhee]

Salaah Al-Duha: 
Increase the number of Raka3ah if you are already in a habit of praying salaah al-Duha.

3) Qur’aan:
Ramadaan is the month of Qur’aan. Try to schedule it all the moments you have. If you are working, keep a pocket size Qur’aan with you & read it whenever you get the time, like coffee break, lunch break, etc.

Read with reflection. Read slowly in a beautiful voice & reflect on its meanings. Try to read this time, with translation & tafseer.

4) Taraweeh & Qiyaam-ul-layl:
Pray the taraweeh in the masjid where the imaam does a long Qiyaam.

5) Tahajjud:

Try to get up a little earlier to pray 2 raka3ah before suhoor & make du3aa. Its the best time for making du3aa & a time of acceptance of du3aa.

6) Du3aa:

Write down all the du3aa you want to make for yourself, your children, family or any du3aa that you want to make for your deen or dunyah. Each day, focus on one du3aa & keep on repeating it throughout the day & at times when the duaa is accepted (between aadhan & Iqaamah, iftaar time, in sujood, last 3rd of night)

Make du3aa to Allaah to give you Ikhlaas, khushoo, make du3aa that you catch laylat-ul-Qadr. make du3aa for the whole Ummah.

[repeat the du3aa that are very important to you, during the last ten days of Ramadhaan]

7) Dhikr:

Select one Dhikr for a day & focus on it daily, reflecting on its meaning & thinking about its reward, while repeating it through out the day. Keep your tongue moist with dhikr.

8) Charity:
Give as much charity as you can, as the reward gets more during the month of ramadhaan. Give food to the poor & needy people & help those in need.

Last 10 days:

Double & triple the amount of 3Ibaadah you are already doing (reading Qur'aan, nawafil, Dhikr, du3aa, qiyaam) in the last ten days of Ramadaan.

Sleep less & worship more.. pray as much as you can & make a lot of du3aa.


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