lundi 2 janvier 2012

Treating Non-Muslims Fairly

by Fahima Mahmood

Since 9/11, Islam was continuously portrayed as a religion that hates non-Muslims and is violent against those not following the sharia law. This clearly isn’t the case since Islam preaches the necessity and requirement of treating non-Muslims fairly.

In fact, the freedom for non-Muslims is guaranteed by Islamic law, which gives all citizens the right to equality. A prime example of this is when the second Caliph, Omar bin Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, learned that some Muslims took over a piece of land belonging to a Jew to build a mosque on it. He ordered the mosque to be demolished and for the land to be returned to the Jew.

As you can see from this example, Islam teaches fairness and justice for all. Under sharia law that is executed properly, Muslims and non-Muslims can live in peace and harmony. There are many rights under sharia such as freedom of religious practice and citizenship that are given to the non-Muslims living under the protection of an Islamic state which is similar to what the United States offers.

Of course the sharia law is based on the Quran and hadith, which says a lot about the treatment of non-Muslims. The Quran states “God does not forbid you, to act fairly towards those who have never fought you over religion nor have driven you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them.” (60:8) This ayat clearly instructs Muslims to respect followers of other religions and deal equally with them.

In addition, the Quran mentions Christians and Jews many times because their respective religions are based on the heavenly book, Bible and Torah. The Quran says “Do not argue with the people of the Book, unless it is in the politest manner.”(29:46) It’s also important to note that Islam recognizes Jesus and Moses as prophets. Furthermore, Muslim men are allowed to marry Christians or Jews while giving their wives the liberty to practice her religion as she pleases.

According to sharia law, Muslims and non-Muslims should be able to live in harmony.Whether we are Muslim or non-Muslim we all have the right to equality and should consider this sacred. As the prophet, peace be upon him, said “Whoever hurts a non-Muslim, I shall be his complainant and for whoever I am a complainant, I shall ask for his right on the day of Resurrection.”

2 commentaires:

Masha'Allah this is an important phrase to ponder:
As the prophet, peace be upon him, said “Whoever hurts a non-Muslim, I shall be his complainant and for whoever I am a complainant, I shall ask for his right on the day of Resurrection.”

JazakAllah Khayr for sharing this :)

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