FEATURED! 10 tips on how to become a successful wife.

Muhammad al-Shareef made a lengthy research and written a gem that should be read by all women of Islam: the tips of becoming a successful wife.

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mardi 10 janvier 2012

10 Tips on How to be a Successful Wife

Receive exclusive HabibiHalaqas information

Written by Muhammad al-Shareef

10. Use your 'Fitnah' to win the heart of your husband
All women have the ornaments that Allah blessed them with. Use the beauty Allah - Azza wa Jal - has bestowed you with to win the heart of your husband.

9. When your husband comes home, greet him with a wonderful greeting
Imagine your husband coming home to a clean house, an exquisitely dressed wife, a dinner prepared with care, children clean and sweet smelling, a clean bedroom - what would this do to his love for you? Now imagine what the opposite does to him.

8. Review the characteristics of the Hoor Al-Ayn and try to imitate them
The Qur'an and Sunnah describe the women in Jannah with certain characteristics. Such as the silk they wear, their large dark eyes, their singing to their husband, etc. Try it, wear silk for your husband, put Kohl in your eyes to 'enlarge' them, and sing to your husband.

7. Always wear jewelry and dress up in the house.
From the early years, little girls have adorned themselves with earrings and bracelets and worn pretty dresses - as described in the Qur'an. As a wife, continue to use the jewelry that you have and the pretty dresses for your husband.

6. Joke and play games with your husband.
A mans secret: they seek women who are light-hearted and have a sense of humor. As Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - told Jabir to marry someone who would make him laugh and he would make her laugh.

5. Thank your husband constantly for the nice things he does.
Then thank him again. This is one of the most important techniques, as the opposite is a characteristic of the women of hellfire.

4. An argument is a fire in the house.
Extinguish it with a simple 'I'm sorry' even if it is not your fault.
When you fight back, you are only adding wood to the fire. Watch how sweetly an argument will end when you just say sincerely, "Look, I'm sorry. Let's be friends."

3. Always seek to please your husband, for he is your key to Jannah.
Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - taught us that any women who dies in a state where her husband is pleased with her, shall enter Jannah. So .. please him.

2. Listen and Obey!
Obeying your husband is Fard [a must]! Your husband is the Ameer [head] of the household. Give him that right and respect.

1. Make Dua to Allah to make your marriage and relationship successful.
All good things are from Allah. Never forget to ask Allah ta'ala for the blessing of having a successful marriage that begins in this Dunya and continues on - by the Mercy of Allah ta'ala - into Jannah.

I Love You For The Sake Of Allah

by Maryam Abd Al Ghafur

Have you heard that before?  It is frequently, but not exclusively, used between muslimahs who are dear friends, who genuinely love each other, care for each other, are, in the quaint phrase of old, "bosom bows" to and for each other.
"We need to have more unity amongst the believers; we need more brotherhood, more sisterhood."  This, too, is a common saying, and no less true for its prevalence.  It goes without saying, or it should, that that unity must be upon tawheed, be upon disavowal of shirk and kufr asghar and kabeer, and be upon obedience and sincerity to Allaah subhana wa ta'Alaa and Rasul Allaah, sall'Allaahu alayhe wa sallam, yet sisterhood escapes us.  Why?
The underlying answer is not known to me, but I do have theories, based in part upon what I have seen and have experienced.
Allah 'azza wa jall says, in what is interpreted in English to mean, "The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islamic religion).  So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allaah that you may receive mercy.  O you who believe!  Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former.  Nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former.  Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames.  How bad is it to insult one's brother after having Faith [i.e. to call your Muslim brother (a faithfurl believer) as: "O sinner", or, "O wicked"].  And whosoever does not repent, then such are indeed Zaalimun (wrongdoers)."  (Al Hujurat, 49: 10-11)
From the beneficial book Bulugh al Maram:  1292.  Narrated (Abu Huraira) radhi Allahu anhu:  Allah's Messenger, sal'Allahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "Do not envy one another, do not outbid one another (with a view to raising the price), do not have hatred for one another, do not boycott one another, and do not enter into a transaction when the other has already entered into it; and be brothers (to one another) O servants of Allaah.  A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim.  He does not wrong him, nor desert him, nor despise him.  Piety is found here -- (pointing three times to his chest) -- despising his Muslim brother is enough evil for any man to do.  Every Muslim's blood, property and honor are unlawful [We learn through this Hadith that it is forbidden for a Muslim to bear a grudge against another Muslim] to be violated by another Muslim."  [Muslim reported it].
To say that we will all like one another in this world's life is unrealistic.  But the right of good conduct towards each other is a part of 'eeman, which is not only belief in the heart, but actions of the limbs and words on the tongue.  If we differ with our sisters, they are in fact our sisters.  And while it may be something that some of us have learned from our childhood interactions with our biological sisters, yelling at each other, nursing rancor, laughing at each other's mistakes, real or perceived, is not from the good character of the Believing women.  If there is a sister in Islam that we do not like, is that dislike so great, is it so precious to us, that it precludes giving the greeting with a smile?  To say, "I am not a hypocrite; if I don't like you, you're going to know that I don't like you." is to forget that when a man came to visit Rasul Allaah, sall'Allaahu alayhe wa sallam, before the man entered, Rasul Allaah said, “What an evil son of an evil people.”  But he was courteous and kind to the man.  After, ‘Aishah bint Abu Bakr, radhi Allaahu anhum, said, “Rasul Allaah, I heard you say, ‘What an evil son of an evil people’, but you were smiling and polite to him?”
The answer was that she had never seen him to be discourteous to anyone.  It is from the rights of others over us that we are kind and polite; it is not our right, nor does it make us shining examples of honesty and forthrightness to harm others with our words or in any other fashion. 
Where is it in brotherhood (sisterhood) that we use the adherence to Qur’aan and Sunnah against a muslimah, to advance our own agenda at the expense of a Believer’s family, good will, or heart?  To use another Muslim’s knowledge of husnul dhun to cheat and deceive until one’s blatant manipulations leave no other choice but to walk away from the one who was loved for the sake of Allaah?
And, for that matter, where is it in the good deeds of a believer that we tolerate errors in aqeedah, because of our affection for fulan aw fulana, until they irritate us personally – at which point, we cut that person out of our lives?  Not only is it against the Sunnah which we all say that we uphold to boycott someone for more than three days from personal matters, it puts the slave’s likes and dislikes above the standards that the Lawgiver has sent down, which is of loving what He loves and hating what He hates, our own personal opinions regardless.
I speak to myself first of all; if I am sincere, if I in fact do love you for the sake of Allaah, then I will clarify matters, not deeming you to be so unimportant that you are not worthy of my mirroring your good and evil deeds back at you so that you may see them, recognize them, and, insha Allah, correct them in obedience to Allah, and I ask you to do the same for me.
“I love you for the sake of Allah.”  May the One for whose sake you love me, love you as well. Ameen

lundi 9 janvier 2012

Compassionate Sisters

by Umm Amin

 Bismillahi Arrahmani Irrahiim

What I love most about my kids, is that they remind me of my own words.  Subhana Allah wa ta ‘alaa.  Have you ever reminded your child not to be gloomy with all the angels around making adkhar?  Have you ever encouraged them to do a good deed, and then found your children persuading you to go further or motivating you to action for a good cause?  It seems like when I advise my children on how to behave, I end up finding a reason to take it to heart myself.  The other day I stubbed my toe. I was about to mutter something under my breath about a toy being left out when my daughter reminded me, “Have Taqwa towards Allah subHan Allah wa ta alaa wherever you are, and follow a bad deed with a good deed, so that you may erase it, and deal with the people in a good manner.”  (At-tirmidhi)   The icing on the cake was a lopsided but genuine smile, as she jubilantly tilted her head from side to side. 
Alhamduillah  we interact with many people throughout the day, but it seems like we are hardest on our own children, our own family, and our own sisters in Islam.  We offer a critical eye rather than an empathetic shoulder to lean upon. We might see a sister wearing a hijab in a style that does not fit our personal approval or understanding of Islam, discounting that she is taking steps to cover in a society that chastises women for being modest.  We might see our children investing their time in a colorful art project, and hone in on the glue leaking from the corners.  We complain our kids are not completing tasks in a way that measures up to our expectations.  We might shun sisters that are struggling to learn the tenets of Islam, or distance ourselves from those that are tested with difficulties of life.  Ultimately we need to ask ourselves, are we really being compassionate sisters for the sake of Allah?
Before we offer up that unsolicited comment, we need to think of the impact of our actions and purify our intentions.  Do we have our own problems to resolve?  Will pointing out an error at the particular moment foster mortification, defensiveness, and mistrust? Can we choose a more appropriate time and setting to discuss the concerns in a friendly manner?  Are we really fearing Allah and considering our own idiosyncrasies and mistakes?  Are we trying to correct ourselves and learn from our daily trials?  Are we really enjoining the good and forbidding the bad, or do our comments tear down others? Do our disapprovals take away from a fellow sister’s spark of success?   Are we breaking down someone’s self esteem and creating a kerfuffle to camouflage our own lackadaisical stance?
Before pointing out others’ shortcomings, we need to reflect upon this simple Hadith.  Let’s repeat it, “Have Taqwa towards Allah subHan Allah wa ta alaa wherever you are, and follow a bad deed with a good deed, so that you may erase it, and deal with the people in a good manner.”  (At-tirmidhi). 
What does that really mean? When we formulate a suggestion or offer words of advice, we need to pause and consider that no matter where or who we are, our actions should be done with consciousness that Allah is aware of our true intentions.  We will be held accountable for whatever we do, so it is better to catch ourselves before we even make a mistake or treat others scornfully.  If we do commit a mistake, we need to make an effort to rectify it and set out to replace that slip up with goodness.   Contemplating the importance of treating others with integrity, we will be confident that this can be accomplished by treating others well.  This plain statement provides essential guidance for seeking the pleasure of Allah.  

May Allah put barakah in our motherhood and make us compassionate sisters in Islam! Ameen!

dimanche 8 janvier 2012

Dad’s Gift to the Newborn

by Stacey Greaves-Favors | Saudi Life
Link to original article: http://saudilife.net/motherhood/21480-dads-gift-to-the-newborn

ANY new Dads often wonder just what their role is when their wife has a baby.  They often feel even more lost when their wife is breastfeeding the baby.  They may wonder, “What can I do?”  or think, “This is my wife’s time.”  Little do they know, they can give their wife, and in turn their baby, a wonderful gift- the gift of support. 
Did you know, breastfeeding moms who have the support of their husbands are more likely to achieve breastfeeding success?  That means that they are more likely to breastfeed, and they breastfeed longer!  (For more information, see Aisha Al-Hajjar’s article, “Husband’s Role in Breastfeeding”.)  Woo-hoo, Dads! So jump in and get started.

Aisha (ra) said that Prophet Muhammad (saws) said, “The best among you is he who is the best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family.”  (at-Tirmithee and ad-Daarimee)

So, now that you realize how important your role really is, you ask, “What can I do?  How can I support my wife?”   

Get Educated

One thing that you can do is something that is also suggested to new moms. Educate yourself about the breastfeeding relationship (the whys and the hows).  Breast milk is the absolute, hands down, best food for your newborn baby.  (In fact, it continues to be the best food for your baby right up through and past the first year.)  It is the standard which human babies were designed to consume.  Nothing else comes close to it.  It is liquid gold.  I often liken it to someone coming to your door and handing you the keys to a brand new, fully loaded, special design sports car.  For free!  It’s that good.  I could go on, but we’d be here forever.  For more information about breast milk, please see my other article “ ABCs of Breastfeeding.”  Once you know the many reasons why your baby should be breastfed, you will have a vested interest in ensuring a successful breastfeeding relationship. 

Express Interest
Show your wife that your concern is her well-being and that of your baby. Ask her how her day has been, how your baby was.  Show an interest in each aspect of her day.  If she is having breastfeeding difficulties, do some research for her.  Encourage her to talk to a professional who is trained in solving breastfeeding problems.  Remind her not to delay in seeking help because as problems go on, they may get bigger and harder to solve.
Acknowledge Her Commitment
Understand that the early weeks or months might be a difficult time for your wife. Acknowledge her hard work and commitment.  She might be feeling sleep-deprived which is hard on anyone. If she is having difficulties she may be sad or even depressed.  Her emotions may run high.  Let her know that you are there for her, and that you know this may be a rough time. She has been through a wonderful experience and may feel overwhelmed. A new mom is easily discouraged.  Do not ignore any negative feelings.  She needs you more than ever right now.  Be aware of her emotional state.  Any woman is susceptible to post partum depression (which can occur up to a year after delivering a baby).  Stay connected with her in case she is really suffering.  She will appreciate your closeness.
Physical Support
Show your support physically as well.  A comforting hug at the end of a long day can be very welcome.  Tell your wife you love her and thank her for doing her best for your baby.  If she is tense, rub her shoulders.  If she looks tired, hold the baby and tell your wife to take a nap, even for 30 minutes. Assure her that you will wake her if the baby cries.  Find ways for your wife to relax.  Bring her pillows to support her back or the baby when she is breastfeeding. Put her feet up so she can be comfortable.   Offer to burp the baby after she breastfeeds to give her a few minutes rest.  (She might bolt for the bathroom, so move over.)
The House Can Wait
During the early months Mom must focus on Baby. She is working hard to establish confidence in breastfeeding .  Tell your wife, “People before things.”  Let her know that the most important thing for you during these times is that she and your baby are doing well. Offer to wash dishes, cook dinner, fold laundry.  Let her know the housework shouldn’t be her priority right now.  You will help her.  If you don’t know how, what a great time to learn!  Buy plastic plates and cups to lessen the number of dishes.  If anyone asks how your wife is doing or what gifts your baby needs, tell them, “Dinner.”  Understand that she has to get the hang of this relationship before she can move back into her old schedule.  Do not push her, and do not let her push herself.  Encourage her to take it easy.
Be the Dad

Finally, do not forget that this is your baby also.  Cuddle with him or her.  Recite Qur’an to him or her.  Hold, talk to, sing a lullaby to the baby.  Carry your baby.  Babies thrive on touch. Don’t forget that your baby knows your voice, too. He or she heard you from inside the womb.  Remember that this is a wonderful time for both you and Mom.  These early days will never return, and you may miss them if you do not make the most of them.  Before you know it, this baby will be bringing his or her own baby home, insha’Allah and you will wonder where the time has gone!

vendredi 6 janvier 2012

A Letter to Little Miss Muffet, may Allah bless YOU

The following is an open letter by Sister Sunshine Smiles to Little Miss Muffet thanking her for all the positive difference she has made in her life. 

Dear Little Miss Muffet,

This one is for you! A tribute to the amazing person you are. For everything you have done for me, for the innumerous ways in which you have touched my life, for being such a simple inspiration, for being the guiding light, for showing me the right way when my vision gets blurry, for all the things for which I fail to find words of gratitude to thank you enough right now but most of all, For being an amazing friend- A friend who sincerely wishes for my best, In this world and the hereafter.

The start of our friendship dates back to school days that has given me memories I will cherish forever. Those were the days when we were growing up to the world and had absolutely no idea on how life would be treating us or where we would be heading. The fear of what the future holds for us and those endless conversations about literally anything and everything. And then we graduated from school and hit universities moving different ways in the hope of shaping brighter futures unaware of when we would be meeting or seeing each other again.

Little did we know that our lives were headed to a totally different journey. It sure did take us a while to recognize our original destination but nonetheless we found the true reason for our existence.

We have grown from naive girls to wiser ladies Alhumdulillah and none of this would be possible without the different challenges that we have been tested upon and learnt well from.

I thank Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) for bringing and keeping you in my life for you have been a guiding light in showing me the way that Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) has ordained for each one of us. I have witnessed you grow from a struggling caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly MashaAllah and it gives me immense pleasure to be a spectator of such a life.

For those of you who do not know, she is the main reason why I am even writing here today. Hence the extreme gratitude and special write dedicated just for her. Had it not been for her suggesting Habibi Halaqas to me I would never have had this wonderful opportunity myself. May Allah bless and reward her immensely for her efforts. So Readers, Go click on “Suggest to Friends” option now, You just might be making a huge difference in somebody’s life.

She has also been an inspiration on my Hijab front. From the place I come from, Culture blinds people so much that Hijab isn’t of importance to most of them. But by being her own simple, self explanatory example, she inspired me to research more and find a way through for it. This is another, yet developing story in itself. I shall elaborate more on this in another write InshaAllah.

The other day, when I read the quote saying, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder” I couldn’t help but relate it to how my Little Miss Muffet has made an impact on my life though she is miles away from me. We pursue different paths in life but something deep down has kept us connected strong and that is the journey to loving our Lord, Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala)

I knew that my knowledge on Islam was very limited and reflected ignorance in many aspects earlier and though we live in different parts of the world, our long distance chats on what is right and what isn’t (Three cheers for technology!!!) gave me reason to research and explore my knowledge pertaining my Deen; To question my doubts and find answers to each one of them. Those long hours of time invested for a good cause has been a driving force to continuously seek knowledge and plant the seed of Faith deeper in my heart.

May Allah bless you abundantly for all the things and the ways you make a difference in, for your selflessness and struggle to reach a better place in Akhira. May He always bless you with the best in this life and the hereafter InshaAllah. At the same time, May He forgive us for our sins and keep us on the straight path always. And may he accept from us all the good that we do or intend to do InshaAllah.

PS Miss Muffet- My heart fills with awe and gratitude when I think of how blessed I have been to have somebody as lovely a person as you are in my life.

May we always stay the same or even better InshaAllah and I hope everybody meets a person like you once in their lifetime to experience true friendship. May you always keep smiling and be the sunshine that brightens up people’s lives.

Please take a lesson from this and go out and help someone in their iman so they cherish your help for the rest of their lives and invoke Allah's blessings on you!

jeudi 5 janvier 2012

The Story Of The Queen Ends (Part 3)

by Umm Sulaym

be sure to read Part 1 and Part 2 of this series before you proceed

‘Do you like him much?’
‘I told you I liked him a little. Where is the use of caring for him so very much? He is full of faults.’
‘Is he?’
‘All boys are.’
‘More than girls?’
‘Very likely. Wise people say it is folly to think anybody perfect; and as to likes and dislikes, we should be friendly to all, and worship none.’
‘Are you a wise person?’
‘I mean to try to be so. Go to sleep.’

Thoughts of the ‘wiser’ character :‘How will she get through the shocks and repulses, the humiliations and desolations, which books, and my own reason tell me are prepared for all flesh?’

[chapter 3 of Villette by Charlotte Bronté]

‘Whoever amongst you worshipped Muhammad, Muhammad is dead. But whoever worshipped Allah,Allah is alive and will never die.’ [Abu Bakr radi Allahuanhu upon the death of Rasulalah sal Allahu alayhi wasallam]

Taqwa can be achieved after having a direct emotional link with Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la. Only what pleases Him, pleases you. And only what displeases Him, displeases you. Nothing and no-one else can budge you from your reference point of calmness except that which concerns Him. Consequently then, these emotions lead you to hastening in doing good deeds and abstaining from that which is prohibited and/or disliked without any distractions. These feelings stem from having fear of Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la or Taqwain your heart. A heart is like any other vessel and despite whatever a Muslimah claims, her heart is either inclined towards her Rabb or towards Dunia. There is no fifty-fifty ratio. There can never be no matter how much we say there is.So out of fear of Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la, she should be careful about the state of her heart. She must not worship the Creations. Either everything/everyone will leave you or you’ll leave them after you die. Therefore, a wise Muslimah focuses on worshipping her Lord because He’s the Ever-living.

‘Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish. And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honor will remain forever.’ [Surah Ar-Rahman, 55:26-27]

He Subhanahu WaTa’la knows the sorrows in her heart and the silent wishes she’s had for long.

When people asked Abu ad-Darda RA about why he did not engage in poetry (unlike his contemporaries), he replied,
Man wishes that he is given his desire;
Whereas Allah bars everything except that which He intends.
Man says: ‘My profit! My wealth!’
Whereas fear of Allah (Taqwa) is the best form of profit/benefit.’ [pp.5,Taqwa:The Provision of Believers]

Let’s pick up the story from where we left. When Zummurud married Zinkee and went out of Damascus to attend the wedding party, the corrupt advisors locked the doors of Damascus on her. They exclaimed, ‘You betrayed us and married Zinkee who had attacked us before!’

Zummurud’s new husband Zinkee abandoned her as well. She tried to seek help from the Khalifa(caliph) in Baghdad but she wasn’t able to see him because he too was corrupt and morally weak. She left royalty and went to live in Makkah to spend rest of her life where she ran out of money. There, the Cream of Royalty, ended up cooking, serving, sewing to support herself. Just before she died, she moved to Madinah because she knew the following Hadith of the Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam:

At-Tabarani has reported with a sound chain of narration from a woman of Thaqif that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "He amongst you who is able to stay until death in Madinah must do so, as I shall be a witness or an intercessor for him on the Day of Judgement."

That is why 'Umar prayed to Allah to cause him to die in Madinah. Bukhari reported from Zaid bin Aslam, and he from his father that 'Umar said, "O Allah! Grant me martyrdom in Your cause, and cause me to die in the sanctuary of Your Prophet (peace be upon him). [Volume 5, Page 136: Excellence of Death in Madinah.]

After people had buried her, her servant told them that it was the Queen of Damascus that they had buried and stated her lineage. People never knew about her nobility before her death. SubhanAllah! Look at the humility of Zummurud! She didn’t tell the whole world what problems she had faced. She didn’t spread hate against the people who had hurt her constantly. She didn’t become bitter towards life and give up living. She didn’t end up ill out of depression and pessimistic attitude. She could’ve exclaimed that she was a failure in that her husband and children did not love her. She could’ve stopped being social because the people she cared about so much, didn’t inquire about her and where she disappeared. She could’ve considered herself a woman who had lost her honor completely because of what her social status was now after being a Queen surrounded by Kings left and right. It is nothing less than amazing how she survived every single test Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la tried her with and we pray to Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la that she gets the highest status in JannatulFirdaus al ‘Ala. Ameen.

All of us can use this story and relate to it. What is it that made Zummurud (R) so steadfast in her Deen? Clearly, her yearning to die in Madinah meant that she was still a devout worship despite those trials right before death. Didn’t she feel lonely? Didn’t she miss her deceased husband all this while? She might’ve felt stuck in destiny. She might’ve felt suffocated. What about the children she had? Surely, she wanted to see them, their wives and her grandchildren. Surely she was like any mother who loved her children to the core. Didn’t she fear unhappiness? Growing in the lap of luxury, how did she feel as she was serving other people to support herself when she had several servants to serve her for several years in the past? How did it feel like? Didn’t it shatter her heart into a million pieces whenever she visited the past and thought what could’ve been or what should’ve been?

Dear sisters, she had nothing but she had everything. Because she had Taqwa. Taqwa only came from knowledge. Zummurud (R) was a human. She might’ve felt sad. There’s nothing wrong with feeling sad.It’s okay to feel sad sisters! But soon after sadness, the fear of Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la should enter the heart and in that fear, a Muslimah mustn’t stop fulfilling her obligations. She mustn’t utter even a single word that displeases Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la. She mustn’t let Shaytan manipulate her and make her worship her emotions in the seemingly lows of her Qadr. Because the Rabb of the Creations, the Healer of the heart has promised her the following if she has Taqwa:

1.an antidote for loneliness and lack of love [Surah Ale Imraan, 3:76]
2.a means of a way out of problems [Surah at-Talaq, 65:2-3]
3.a source of honor [Surah Ar-Rad, 13:13]
4.a means of survival amidst bad news [Surah Yunus, 10:63-64]
5.only in those who have knowledge of Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la [Surah Fatir, 35:28]

Only Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la knows what status we have in His Sight and only He knows what status we would’ve achieved by the time we die. Our concern should be that how much of Taqwadid we have in the twenty,thirty,fourty,fifty years of our lives. Taqwa is God-consciousness. That lingering feeling in your head that you’re not alone as you’re indulged in doing something haram. That sort of feeling some people have when an authority figure is around such as a boss or teacher. The employee and the student try to ensure that they don’t do anything that might displease them. Because displeasing them means terrible consequences.

What does displeasing Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la mean? What does pleasing Him means?

‘And strain not your eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to various groups of them (polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh), the splendour of the life of this world that We may test them thereby. But the provision (good reward in the Hereafter) of your Lord is better and more lasting.And enjoin As-Salât (the prayer) on your family, and be patient in offering them [i.e. the Salât (prayers)]. We ask not of you a provision (i.e. to give Us something: money); We provide for you. And the good end (i.e. Paradise) is for the Muttaqûn (those who have Taqwa).’ [Surah Ta-Ha, 20:131-132]

Need another proof of His Love, dear Muslimah?

"Yes, if you hold on to patience and piety(has Taqwa),and the enemy comes rushing at you; your Lord will help you with five thousand angels having marks (of distinction)." Allâh made it not but as a message of good news for you and as an assurance to your hearts. And there is no victory except from Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. [Surah Ale-Imraan, 3:125-126].

Could Zummurud have had survived the challenges in Qadr if she did not have firm belief in reward/punishment after death? Where does belief come from? Knowledge of course. How can one protect oneself from the whispers of Shaytan? By having knowledge of your enemy.

SufyaanAth-Thawree (rahimahullaah) said: "The excellence of knowledge is due only to the fact that it causes a person to fear(have Taqwa) and obey Allah, otherwise it is just like anything else." [Related by ibn Rajab]

Therefore, let’s quickly enroll and register in programs which will assist us in seeking knowledge. Because knowledge will lead us to Taqwa and Taqwa will secure our dunia and Akhira inshaAllah. Only Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la’s Promises are true so let’s seek refuge in Him and seek safety of our future through Him. And not through our jobs,loved ones,degrees. People and things come and go.Why depend on things which are bound to change? Can one ever expect to stand firmly on a boat that rocks and keep changing its’ position?

Let’s make an impermeable wall between us and sins today. Let’s fall in love with Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la with fear (Taqwa) and hope. Let’s promise ourselves that we’ll try not to be distracted and will make Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la and our Deen truly our first priority.

May Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la us live and die for His Sake. May He Subhanahu WaTa’la resurrect us amongst the Siddiqeen(Truthful ones), the Prophets, the Shuhada (the martyrs), and the Sawliheen (the righteous). Ameen.

And Allah Subhanahu WaTa’la knows best.

Now that we have a success story to motivate us, inshaAllah in the next article, we will discuss what are some of the steps to achieve Taqwa.

Please remember me in your duaas.

mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Yes, Women Can Work! (Part 3)

by Khadeejah Islam

Click to view Part 1 and Part 2 of this series

Areas where women can lend their productivity

There are many areas where women can work. It can be at home or outside the home. It can be on a small scale. It can be freelance (not working for a fixed employer). It can be a field which you love. It can be paid or non-paid. The following are some (there might be many other) options, out of which, the first is obligatory and the rest are voluntary (you have the option of choosing). The voluntary options have to be chosen after consultation with the guardian (whether it is father or husband) and also after a deep assessment of the family needs, for instance, if you just had a baby, it is better to stay with him/her than to venture outside the home. During those times, you can still be productive by choosing the voluntary options which are home-based. Whatever you choose to do, do it for the sake of Allah alone; do it for an Islamic cause; and do it within the Islamic boundaries.

  • Home-making: “Islam regards her role in society as a mother and a wife as the most sacred and essential one. Neither maids nor baby-sitters can possibly take the mother's place as the educator of an upright, complex free, and carefully-reared children. Such a noble and vital role, which largely shapes the future of nations, cannot be regarded as ‘idleness’.” [1].
  • Business: You have a plethora of options regarding products/services which you can sell and base your business upon. Remember to be creative. That will add an extra boost to your business insha’Allah. The following are examples:
    1. Clothing (including hijab materials). This is good for those who have interest in fashion designing.
    2. Home-made food items, such as pickles, confectionery, etc., or food-chain franchise.
    3. House-hold items. This covers a wide range of goods, such as candles, quilts, dry flowers, crystal/glass items, etc.
    4. Jewellery designing. This is still an unconventional field. The job entails constructing exquisite pieces of jewellery using precious stones and metal ores.
    5. Selling exceptional skills that you may have (in the form of services), such as being a writer, a photographer, a make-up artist/hair stylist, a doctor, an architect, a teacher, etc.
  • Writing/Journalism: You can either publish your own book, or work as a journalist. “One should be careful to ensure that the style, contents and goal are beneficial and that the story helps to explain something about Islam and serves as an effective means of teaching and guiding people.” [2].
  • Halaal Photography: Consult a local scholar to know the various rulings on photography. You can take photos of the nature and inanimate objects.
  • Medicine: “Islam calls us to learn all kinds of beneficial knowledge. Branches of knowledge vary in status, the highest of which is knowledge of sharee’ah, then knowledge of medicine, then the other fields of knowledge.” [3]. We are badly in need of female doctors. I have been to a hospital recently and I was quite disappointed to see a shortage of female doctors. I am sure most of us are comfortable in discussing “girly” issues with female doctors only.
  • Architecture: Apart from designing the framework of various structures, such as buildings and bridges, you can also engage in interior designing.
  • Teaching: I feel this is a noble task. You can choose to impart either beneficial secular or Islamic knowledge/skills, or both. There are a variety of subjects to choose from.
  • Event Management: You can take the charge of organizing an event, whether it is a wedding or an Islamic lecture, and managing its decoration, its food, its crowd, etc. It will be especially gratifying if you are able to pull off an event at a minimal cost and much to the pleasure of the attendees.
  • Film-Making: I think this is one neglected area. We have a shortage of Islamic films and documentaries. If more people take up projects in this area, we will have sufficient halaal entertainment. This could also be an effective da’wah tool.
  • Social Working: This is mostly non-paid, although a few organizations may pay you for volunteering. You have many causes to support, for instance, breast cancer awareness campaign, suicide prevention, alleviation of poverty and unemployment, da’wah projects, end to domestic violence and repression of women, AIDS awareness campaign, helping the disabled, and the list is really endless.
  • Environmentalist: Again, this is a neglected area. We have few people who are taking actions to recycle, to keep the world cleaner and greener, to conserve water and electricity, to reduce global warming and pollution, to protest against massive tree-felling or hill-cutting, and to take care of birds and animals. “If any Muslim plants a tree or sows a field, and a human, bird or animal eats from it; it shall be reckoned as charity from him.” [4].
  • Art: There are many options of halaal art. You can engage in Islamic calligraphy, glass painting, and drawing pictures of nature, abstract, or inanimate objects.
  • Web Development: You can develop a website for a company and even choose to manage its content.
[1] The Status of Women in Islam, Dr. Jamal Badawi. http://islamswomen.com/articles/status_of_women_in_islam.php
[4] Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim. http://www.islamreligion.com/category/98/

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