jeudi 15 septembre 2011

We are hiring! Habibi Halaqas is looking to fill following positions!

By the mercy of Allah, Habibi Halaqas has expanded faster than all of us imagined, alhumdulillahi rabbil alameen and we are looking to doing bigger and better things inshaAllah! I hope you will join us and our vision of taking this dawah project to much greater heights!

As a Habibi Halaqas Director, you get immense ajr from Allah, limited monetary perks and professional descriptions for your position (s) to place on your resume/biodata inshaAllah.

Habibi Halaqas is looking to fill the following positions. If any of the titles interest you, please email for more detailed descriptions inshaAllah. [Please include which role(s) you are interested in, in the subject line of your email]

  1. Media Directors - Responsible for creating and directing new videos mainly for Youtube. 
  2. Graphics Design Directors - Responsible for creating wallpapers, Facebook banners, event posters, picture reminders etc. 
  3. Editors -Responsible for editing articles that go up on our website and magazine.
  4. Editors for Spanish and French articles /translations - Responsible for checking and analyzing the translated articles for errors in Spanish / French.
  5. Writers - Responsible for writing articles which will be published on our website and magazine columns. Types of articles include interviews, poetry, short stories, and reviews
  6. Marketing directors – Responsible for representing and marketing Habibi Halaqas on different Facebook groups / pages, blogs, Twitter, and other popular forums 
  7. PR directors – Responsible for increasing interaction with our audience
  8. Transcribers – Responsible for transcribing our webinar and other lectures into professional articles
  9. Translators – Rresponsible for translating some of our popular articles into Spanish and French. 
For all of these roles, we are looking for diverse, honest, creative, and diligent women from all over the world. Once again, if any of the titles interest you, please email for more detailed descriptions inshaAllah. [Please include which role(s) you are interested in, in the subject line of your email]

*** Please give us up to 5-7 days time to respond inshaAllah. jazzak Allah khair!

12 commentaires:

Assalamualikum can u plz tell me the requirements for the writer's post in sha Allah , jazakhAllah khair

Assalamu alaykum,I have emailed you about the writers post but no reply yet,is everything ok down there it looks like you guys might be busy. May Allah grant barakah in your work.

Walaykum assalam dear,

We have received your mail. All responses will be sent out by today
inshaaAllah. If not, then please allow 5-7 days for response. Already
few responses have been sent yesterday.

About 100 women have applied from all over the world. While we were
replying to few applicants, we received 3 new applications,
Alhamdulillah! Competition is tight! Looking forward to working with
some of the most talented women inshaaAllah!

Best wishes,

Khadeejah Islam,

HR Director,

Habibi Halaqas


Has anyone been hired yet?

Walaykum assalam wa rahmatullah dear,

No one has been hired as yet.

Out of over 200 applicants, around 100 have responded. We are still waiting for response from the other 100 applicants. However, we have finished the first round of assessment of the ones who have responded. The second round has not started as yet. We might have a third round as well where we will meet and / or talk to the short-listed applicants. Before making final decisions, we have Istikhaara prayers to offer, too. Also, we might have an article based on the experiences of this hiring process. Everyday, we are receiving new applications. Hence, the delay. We will notify the selected candidates. Please bear with us while we make the most out of this opportunity and platform inshaaAllah.

Khadeejah Islam,
HR Director,
Habibi Halaqas.

have the candidates been selected?

Oh and have the so far selected candidates been notified? 

Dear Mahnoor,
Assalamu alaykum!

The final selection has not started yet. We are still in the initial stages of selection. Since we have recently teamed up with I Got It Covered for the hiring process, we are receiving more new applications. Therefore, it will take time for us to complete the entire process. Please bear with us till then.

Warm regards,
Khadeejah Islam,
HR Director,
Habibi Halaqas.

Dear Mahnoor,
Assalamu alaykum!

We will notify the selected candidates after the entire process is over. We will announce on our Facebook page when the hiring process is over, so that you know when to expect a mail from us.

Warm regards,
Khadeejah Islam,
HR Director,
Habibi Halaqas.

Salam Alaikum sisters, have you selected the staff yet?

Assalamu alaykum!

The final selection has not started yet. We are
still in the initial stages of selection. Since we have recently teamed
up with I Got It Covered for the hiring process, we are receiving more
new applications. Therefore, it will take time for us to complete the
entire process. We will notify the selected candidates after the entire process is over.
We will announce on our Facebook page when the hiring process is over,
so that you know when to expect a mail from us. Please bear with us till then.

Warm regards,
Khadeejah Islam,
HR Director,
Habibi Halaqas.


I'm sorry this sounds repetitive, but have you selected anyone yet?

Jazakallahu Khayran.

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