vendredi 26 août 2011

Ramadan, Jumuah and maybe Laylat ul Qadr: If not NOW, then when?

27th night of Ramadan <--> Last 10 days/nights of Ramadan
Last Friday (Jumuah) of Ramadan
Possibly Laylat ul Qadr tonight!

Can YOU imagine: $1 charity TODAY is like giving in charity every night for 30,000 nights!

Laylatul Qadr is better than a 1000 months (thats 30,000 nights!). We focus on prayers and reading Qur'an in it, but we forget charity...if you donate $1 on laylatul qadr, that is like donating for 30,000 nights! Subhan Allah

Today is the 27th night, so it is quite possible that it maybe laylat ul qadr! So make sure you donate something, even if its a dollar, because the reward is immense! Better yet, donate $20 or more daily in the last ten nights. Guaranteed to catch laylatul qadr, insha'Allah.


 By now, I am sure you have heard of Habibi Halaqas. We are an exciting initiative providing online webinars on topics related to Islam, life skills specific to Muslim sisters, social psychology, and more! Our website now includes articles, e-books, bookstore, videos, wallpapers etc. and we hold special projects on our facebook page such as the one this Ramadan about memorizing Surah Mulk.

Habibi Halaqas has now been running for about a year and a half and in this time, it has grown by leaps and bounds, alhumdulillah. It started off with an audience of about 20 sisters and now the average attendance of the halaqas is around 300 sisters, alhumdulillahi rabbil 'alameen. Also, Habibi Halaqas facebook page consists of almost 15000 active brothers and sisters, ma sha Allah, tabarak Allah. We now consist of a staff of over 35 dedicated sisters who are striving to take this project to even greater heights. I attribute this success to none other than Allah subhaana wa ta'aala, who in His utmost kindness and mercy allowed me and all the sisters involved with Habibi Halaqas to help so many sisters around the world and we ask Him to accept it from us, ameen! 

Posted below are feedbacks that I have received from sisters over the past year:

I just finished watching the Fiqh of Menstruation Webinar and Alhumdulillah I found it extremely helpful. I had so many uncertainties about this issue and this webinar has cleared all of them Alhumdulillah. I especaially took home the imporatnt message of not being ashamed to ask questions we may have about our deen especially in sensitive areas of discussion. I just wanted to let you know what a great job you are doing and I support you 100%! I am looking forward to your next webinar about marriage and being happy. May Allah reward you for your continued efforts InshAllah

Jazak Allah  khair  sister for a fantastic webinar on a much needed  topic. Subhan Allah this was the answer to my dua, i have been chasing after this seminar all whole the net ever since i first held of it.  Finally i was able to benefit from, even though i missed the beginning coz being in uae it was in the middle of the night for us. Al hamdo lillah, it was worth it. 

mashallah, very informative webinar. i really enjoyed listening to it, and appreciate my husband even more now:-) i think the advice overall was very practical, and one of the best highlights was the questions to ask a prospective husband. because most sisters get that part wrong and have no clue what to ask!...also good reminders to those who are married to keep the fun going:-) jazakallah to the habibi halaqa team for making this available to us.

Here are some messages I received from sisters who started wearing the hijab after our hijab webinar, alhumdulillahi rabbil 'alameen!

Salaam alaykum to all sisters @ Habibi Halaqas... Thank you to your halaqa it helped me so much to build courage and start using hijab. Last Saturday was my first time using hijab fulltime. Jazaka'Allah khayr.

Salam sisters. I proud to say that your lecture gave me the final push I was seeking and with the help of Allah swt I donned the hijab (or khimar I should say, now knowing the difference from the lecture) yesterday:)))).  I feel elated and enveloped in Allahs swt love and mercy, truely only he can guide us. Nevertheless I have thanked him loads and inshalah will continue to do o, but I would like to thank you for your efforts in producing the lecture, you have already helped one sister in islam. 

The reason I am sharing this with you is to request you to support us in our endeavors and gain ajr through Habibi Halaqas. Allah has truly put barakah in this project, alhumdulillahi rabbil 'alameen, and I wish for all of you to be a part of this. 

 Please donate to Habibi Halaqas so brothers and sisters around the world can continue to benefit from it, in sha Allah. Your donation will help keep Habibi Halaqas running more smoothly and allow us to improve our halaqas and our website even more, in sha Allah. Please donate anything you can, no matter how small the amount may be. I praise Allah and ask Him to increase you in your blessings and reward you with the best of rewards in the hereafter. 


Please email us at if you would like to send in a cheque instead. Jazzak Allah khair.

If you are unable to donate, please keep us in your duas and please forward this message to as many as you can. Jazzak Allah khair.

Ibn Al Mubarak would only give his charity to people of knowledge. He was asked, 'why do you not broaden (your charity to other people)?' So he responded, 'I do not know any station, after the station of prophethood, that is more noble than the station of the scholars. So if one of them is restrained by (not being able to) provide for himself, then he will not have any time for knowledge, nor will he teach others. So to provide them time to study and teach is better (than giving it to others).'

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