FEATURED! 10 tips on how to become a successful wife.

Muhammad al-Shareef made a lengthy research and written a gem that should be read by all women of Islam: the tips of becoming a successful wife.

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lundi 29 août 2011

Fasting and Working out are more alike than You Think

Fasting and Working out Are More Alike than you think:
The Unforeseen parallels between staying fit year round and staying devoted during Ramadan
by Sarah Hassaine, NASM Certified Trainer, Nadoona Exercise Consultant

I think we all experience that moment of hesitation the day after Eid.  Your eyes are still shut as you stir in bed and suddenly you remember that Ramadan is indeed over.

“I am not fasting today!” Your mind excitedly communicates.
“Wait really? Am I really not fasting?” You question.
“Yes I am not fasting!” Your eyes fly open and your mouth forms an excited smile. “Back to normal,” you think, breakfast time!

This fuels you to kick off the covers and run to the bathroom and freshen up before you decide what to eat for breakfast.  You may not even be hungry, and you may not even have a craving, but hey, you have been fasting for a month – you deserve it, right?  Just like you deserved all that honey baklava last night at the festive Eid party you went to.

But do you? 

There is a discipline that we embody when fasting, we prove to ourselves every year that we are strong and can overcome our desires and be patient and appreciative of all that we have.  I want to show you that this same mantra is applicable to a healthy lifestyle YEAR ROUND.

The truth of the matter is that we make excuses, and working out and eating right seem to fall off the radar, most likely because it takes diligence, time and commitment to see results.  We live in a society where we undoubtedly like immediate reactions; making a gradual transition to a healthy you, will take a while, thus we all tend to swerve, fall off the wagon, or just never get on.

Fasting, is of course, a spiritual experience.  While your body does use the “quiet time” of not processing food to repair your cells and detox your organs, the reality is that spirituality can be used in other aspects of your life, like taking care of your body.   You have just gone through 30 days of an amazing journey, but now that life is “back to normal” – the idea is to translate some of that same willpower and spirituality you exhibited this past month. Focus on the physical changes you want to make in your life to accompany the spiritual ones that carry on post Ramadan, such as prayer. 

So as you descend the steps for breakfast the day after Eid, take some deep breaths to think about how you will get your body on the “right” physical path of exercise and on a healthy regime starting today. For starters, our body should eat 4-5 times a day so that we keep our metabolism working.  Ironically, this is similar to how many times we should engage in prayer.  Just as it is prescribed in the dogma to space out your prayers throughout the day, think about how you can space out your meals more frequently.  This keeps your body in a constant state of burning calories.  Unlike during Ramadan, where you would eat two meals a day (you all woke up for suhoor right? ;)) – this is unhealthy because whatever we do eat at iftar or suhoor is stored away given the day-long starvation mode.

In light of the fact that Ramadan marks the beginning of a New Year and your success in fasting, I want to share tips on how to turn the page and focus on a new rejuvenated you.  

For starters: What is your goal? For a lot of women, it is just weight loss, and that is okay if you understand that is a very broad wish.  Weight loss is like falling in love and being in a relationship: it requires responsibility, ownership, compromise and commitment.  For this New Year, your first goal should be to believe in yourself enough to want to lose weight and engage in all aspects of weight loss, albeit eating healthy, exercising, reducing intake of sugars/starch, etc.

First step: Find and organize your motivation! Share your goal with friends, family, or look for support from groups like nadoona.com who challenge Muslim women to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. Decide if you need a food journal or a workout journal and set it up conveniently for your access (Phone App/Google Doc/Written journal).  Food for thought: over 50% of women who had a journal saw results sooner than those who did not.

Second step: Write out a grocery list with healthy food options and stick to it. Set the incentive to try to cook more and have healthy snacks at home (no more Starbucks cookies mid-day!).  Invite friends over instead of going out. Treat yourself to healthy cook books (Do I hear Eid gift to yourself?).

Third step: Plan out all 4-5 meals every morning or the night before. For example, I pack my lunch and all snacks the night before. Occasionally I even prepare my breakfast.  You will feel so in charge of your body and empowered by your control.  In Ramadan, you most likely planned all your meals and you made it a point to be on time every day for dinner.  Be good to your body like this year round and eat frequently and not too late– skipping meals just results in weight gain.

Fourth step: Most importantly - Exercise! It is true ladies, if you don’t burn it, you sit on it.  Start with three days a week of cardio for at least 30-45 minutes and then move up to four days within a few weeks and start interval training.  Once you start working out, your energy will increase and you will slowly feel more addicted to the process.  It’s like fasting, once you started, it got easier. Diversify your workouts so that muscles are always challenged and stimulated.  Remember to integrate core balance training and weights two to three times a week as well.  Make sure it’s fun! The idea is to get your heart rate up and sweat so that you are burning calories, so if you prefer to take dance classes, kick boxing, or anything of the sort, sign up!

Post Ramadan, we are all kind of weak and tired from a month of late nights, heavy meals and socializing.  After you read this article, do me a favor and go to the mirror and look at yourself in the eyes and think about these four steps.  Set the intention to start afresh.  Reflect upon your routine and see where you can make changes.  You just made changes for 30 days, now the idea is to make small changes in your daily life that will result in a healthier, lighter and happier you.  Ask yourself “When is the best time to work out? In the morning or evening?” Answer your question and find a schedule that works, do not shrug it off and say neither!  Ask yourself, “What shall I pack for lunch in the morning?” Answer your question with viable options, not, “I don’t have time I will just go to the deli.” You need to exercise control and demand the change from yourself. 

I encourage you to check out nadoona.com. Nadoona is a movement for Muslim women to become aware of their bodies - essentially how they treat it and what they put into it.  On the site, you can sign up to take part in their weight loss challenge program, get fitness tips, partake in a health forum and get inspired by many success stories told personally by other muslimahs nationwide.  Nadoona will work with women to make sure that their workout program and nutrition matches their lifestyle and culture.

Ladies – there are so many resources and opportunities out there, so seize this New Year and unearth your motivation to take care of you. You have just proven to yourself throughout Ramadan how much discipline and self-control you do indeed have. Now, this needs to be translated and extended to healthy living year round. After all, if you don’t take care of your body – who will?  So now that you are in the kitchen and its breakfast time, what will you have?

vendredi 26 août 2011

Ramadan, Jumuah and maybe Laylat ul Qadr: If not NOW, then when?

27th night of Ramadan <--> Last 10 days/nights of Ramadan
Last Friday (Jumuah) of Ramadan
Possibly Laylat ul Qadr tonight!

Can YOU imagine: $1 charity TODAY is like giving in charity every night for 30,000 nights!

Laylatul Qadr is better than a 1000 months (thats 30,000 nights!). We focus on prayers and reading Qur'an in it, but we forget charity...if you donate $1 on laylatul qadr, that is like donating for 30,000 nights! Subhan Allah

Today is the 27th night, so it is quite possible that it maybe laylat ul qadr! So make sure you donate something, even if its a dollar, because the reward is immense! Better yet, donate $20 or more daily in the last ten nights. Guaranteed to catch laylatul qadr, insha'Allah.

CLICK HERE TO DONATE - http://bit.ly/30000nights_charity

 By now, I am sure you have heard of Habibi Halaqas. We are an exciting initiative providing online webinars on topics related to Islam, life skills specific to Muslim sisters, social psychology, and more! Our website now includes articles, e-books, bookstore, videos, wallpapers etc. and we hold special projects on our facebook page such as the one this Ramadan about memorizing Surah Mulk.

Habibi Halaqas has now been running for about a year and a half and in this time, it has grown by leaps and bounds, alhumdulillah. It started off with an audience of about 20 sisters and now the average attendance of the halaqas is around 300 sisters, alhumdulillahi rabbil 'alameen. Also, Habibi Halaqas facebook page consists of almost 15000 active brothers and sisters, ma sha Allah, tabarak Allah. We now consist of a staff of over 35 dedicated sisters who are striving to take this project to even greater heights. I attribute this success to none other than Allah subhaana wa ta'aala, who in His utmost kindness and mercy allowed me and all the sisters involved with Habibi Halaqas to help so many sisters around the world and we ask Him to accept it from us, ameen! 

Posted below are feedbacks that I have received from sisters over the past year:

I just finished watching the Fiqh of Menstruation Webinar and Alhumdulillah I found it extremely helpful. I had so many uncertainties about this issue and this webinar has cleared all of them Alhumdulillah. I especaially took home the imporatnt message of not being ashamed to ask questions we may have about our deen especially in sensitive areas of discussion. I just wanted to let you know what a great job you are doing and I support you 100%! I am looking forward to your next webinar about marriage and being happy. May Allah reward you for your continued efforts InshAllah

Jazak Allah  khair  sister for a fantastic webinar on a much needed  topic. Subhan Allah this was the answer to my dua, i have been chasing after this seminar all whole the net ever since i first held of it.  Finally i was able to benefit from, even though i missed the beginning coz being in uae it was in the middle of the night for us. Al hamdo lillah, it was worth it. 

mashallah, very informative webinar. i really enjoyed listening to it, and appreciate my husband even more now:-) i think the advice overall was very practical, and one of the best highlights was the questions to ask a prospective husband. because most sisters get that part wrong and have no clue what to ask!...also good reminders to those who are married to keep the fun going:-) jazakallah to the habibi halaqa team for making this available to us.

Here are some messages I received from sisters who started wearing the hijab after our hijab webinar, alhumdulillahi rabbil 'alameen!

Salaam alaykum to all sisters @ Habibi Halaqas... Thank you to your halaqa it helped me so much to build courage and start using hijab. Last Saturday was my first time using hijab fulltime. Jazaka'Allah khayr.

Salam sisters. I proud to say that your lecture gave me the final push I was seeking and with the help of Allah swt I donned the hijab (or khimar I should say, now knowing the difference from the lecture) yesterday:)))).  I feel elated and enveloped in Allahs swt love and mercy, truely only he can guide us. Nevertheless I have thanked him loads and inshalah will continue to do o, but I would like to thank you for your efforts in producing the lecture, you have already helped one sister in islam. 

The reason I am sharing this with you is to request you to support us in our endeavors and gain ajr through Habibi Halaqas. Allah has truly put barakah in this project, alhumdulillahi rabbil 'alameen, and I wish for all of you to be a part of this. 

 Please donate to Habibi Halaqas so brothers and sisters around the world can continue to benefit from it, in sha Allah. Your donation will help keep Habibi Halaqas running more smoothly and allow us to improve our halaqas and our website even more, in sha Allah. Please donate anything you can, no matter how small the amount may be. I praise Allah and ask Him to increase you in your blessings and reward you with the best of rewards in the hereafter. 

CLICK HERE TO DONATE - http://bit.ly/30000nights_charity

Please email us at habibihalaqas@gmail.com if you would like to send in a cheque instead. Jazzak Allah khair.

If you are unable to donate, please keep us in your duas and please forward this message to as many as you can. Jazzak Allah khair.

Ibn Al Mubarak would only give his charity to people of knowledge. He was asked, 'why do you not broaden (your charity to other people)?' So he responded, 'I do not know any station, after the station of prophethood, that is more noble than the station of the scholars. So if one of them is restrained by (not being able to) provide for himself, then he will not have any time for knowledge, nor will he teach others. So to provide them time to study and teach is better (than giving it to others).'

jeudi 25 août 2011

Ramadan & The Last 10 Nights Special: Have we realized how important Laylat ul Qadr is?

by Ni'mal Ali

Just as the month of Ramadan is more special than the other months, the last ten nights of Ramadan are more special than the first 19 or 20 nights of Ramadan - reason being that in the last ten nights there is a very important night in which all Muslims await for eagerly, a night which is most blessed than any other night in all the months. That night is Laytul Qadar or in English “the night of decree.” In the Qur’an Allah says about this particular night:

Verily, We have sent it (this Quran) down in the night of Al Qadr (Decree). And what will make you know what the night of Al Qadr ( Decree) is? The night of Al Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months ( i.e. worshipping Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months). Therein descend the angels and the Ruh (Angel Gabriel) by Allah's Permission with all Decrees. (All that night), there is peace (and Goodness from Allah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn. [Quran - 97]
A thousand months! mashaaAllah, imagine the ajar (reward) we will get in that one night if we actually participate and spend that entire night worshipping Allah through salaat, reciting the Quran and doing a lot of dhikr? Subhanalaah! This is a night that comes with a lot of opportunities! It is a night where Allah can answer all of your du’as. All sincere Muslims should be looking forward to this night with excitement and joy. We not only have the opportunity to get closer to Allah in this blessed night, but we can have our dreams to come true. Allah can grant us our wishes to become better Muslims, to protect us from the shayteen forever and to strengthen our iman. This is the reason why the last ten nights are so special, and we see many Muslims fill up masjids in the last ten nights of Ramadan. Since we don’t know which of the ten nights the laytul qadar will fall on, we have to try our best to make our selfs busy with remembering Allah, praying Salaat, reciting Qur’an and making lots and lots of du’a to Allah until the end of Ramadan. No one knows for sure when laytul qadar is, but what we know from ahadith of the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam is that it is in the odd numbered nights -21, 23,25,27, or 29. In a report by Al Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah; Prophet Muhammad Salalahu Alayhi Wasalam said; "Seek it (the Qadr Night) on the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan". In another hadith, he said, "Seek the night in the last ten days, and if any of you is weak, or cannot observe it, he should not miss the remaining seven days (Muslim). In fact, there are other authentic hadiths on the Qadr night, and one basic point in all of them is that, the night is found in the last ten days of Ramadan. Even though we don’t know which night is laytul qadar, there are some signs that indicate it is layatul qadar. Scholars have described what these signs are and we will need to look out for these signs to determine when this special night will be, but truly Allah only knows.
Now that we know the importance and blessedness of laytul qadar, what signs can we look out for which indicates that is indeed that special night we all cannot wait for? There are several signs: in the same night, and then the following day.
  1. During this night, the night is pleasant, it is not hot or cold.

  2. The night is bright,

  3. There are no meteors seen being thrown at the shaytan

  4. The following day, the sun rises with no visible rays

  5. The following day the sun rises red and week

  6. For references of hadiths, please visit Link

In conclusion, dear brothers and sisters the entire month of Ramadan is a blessed one which has so much opportunity for us to get closer to Allah. The last ten days are even better, so we all should try our hardest to take full advantage of these opportunities in Ramadan. May Allah the all mighty and great, accept our du’as, our sawm, and zakat and all other good deeds we do for His sake only. May Allah give us protection from His enemy and our enemy, the accursed shaytan! and may Allah bless us and reward our efforts by giving us full mercy and admitting us to His beautiful Jannah in the akhira. Allahuma Amin!!!

mercredi 24 août 2011

Ramadan Special: In Last Ten Nights is The Night Of Qadr

The Night Of Qadr
by Rubina Siddiqi

Allah (swt) says in the Quran :
1. We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power.
2. And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is?
3. The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
4. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand:
5. Peace! This until the rise of morn!

Surah 97:1-5 Al-Qadr (Night of Power)
Abu Hurairah (rA) reported that the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said: “The blessed month has come to you. Allah has made fasting during it obligatory upon you. During it, the gates to Paradise are opened and the gates to hellfire are locked, and the Devils are chained. There is a night during this month which is better than a thousand months. Whoever is deprived of it’s good is really deprived.” (Related by Ahmad, an-Nasa’i and al-Baihaqi)
It is on this night that a miraculous event took place in the history of mankind when the first ayaat of the Holy Quran were revealed to our beloved prophet Muhammad sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam. This is the night of honour and prestige when a faithful servant is rewarded. All his or her good deeds will be multiplied through the mercy of Allah. Because of the magnificent blessings of this night, the angels descend from Heaven. They come down in great numbers with the blessings and mercy of Allah. They visit the believers worshiping Allah subhaana wa ta'aala
Whether they are reciting Quran, making dhikr (remembrance) or performing prayer. It is with extreme sincerity and earnestness and enthusiasm that we should worship to seek the pleasure of our lord and have complete faith that any good deed will be rewarded.
Abu Hurayrah (rA) reports that prophet Mohammed sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, “Whoever stands in prayer and ibaadah on the night of Power with sincere faith and with sincere hope of gaining reward, his previous sins are forgiven.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
The exact date of Laylatul Qadr is not known to us. Perhaps the wisdom in this is that the Almighty wanted us to continuously work hard throughout the month to gain his mercy, forgiveness and pleasure. The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam strove his best in seeking for this night during the last ten nights of Ramadan.
Ibn Abbas as reported: The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, "Look for the Night of Qadr in the last ten nights of Ramadan,' on the night when nine or seven or five nights remain out of the last ten nights of Ramadan (i.e. 21, 23, 25, respectively)."(Bukhari 3:238)
What can we do to gain the Allah’s forgiveness in the last 10 nights?
Practice Itikaf:
Narrated 'Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practice Itikaf after him. (Bukhari 3:243)
Sisters who cannot spend a lot of time in Itikaf as caring for kids or other activities may make this difficult, can try making the intention of Itikaf for short periods of time whenever possible.
Intensify Dua - We should strive our best to make lots of dua for everything and everyone. Make dua for our muslim Ummah and everyone who is suffering with sincere intention that our Lord will listen to our supplication and grant us whatever halal we desire and whatever is good for us, Ameen. Aside from Prayer, Dua is our strongest connection with our Lord where He is there for us, listening to our needs and ready to bestow his mercy on us.
A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, reported that she asked the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, peace and blessings be upon him, "O Messenger of Allah! If I knew which night is Laylatul-Qadr, what should I say during it?" And he instructed her to say: “O Allah! You are Oft-Forgiving, and you love forgiveness. So forgive me.” (Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Majah and At-Tirmithi)"
Make sincere repentance -We should earnestly ask Allah  subhaana wa ta'aala to forgive the sins that we have commited knowingly or unknowingly. Weep and ask for his Forgiveness. For the wrong-doings we have made towards others to cause them hurt and most importantly, for the mistakes we have done to displease Him. Make dua for those muslim brother and sisters who are no longer with us and ask for their forgivness.
Narrated Shaddad bin Aus (Radhi-Allahu 'anhu), the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said:        
"The most superior way of asking for forgiveness from Allah is:
O Allah, You are my Lord, there is none worthy of worship but You. You created me and I am your slave. I keep Your covenant, and my pledge to You so far as I am able. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I admit to Your blessings upon me, and I admit to my misdeeds. Forgive me, for there is none who may forgive sins but You.
The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) added: "If somebody recites it during the day with firm faith in it, and dies on the same day before the evening, he will be from the people of Paradise; and if somebody recites it at night with firm faith in it, and dies before the morning, he will be from the people of Paradise."[Sahih Bukhari - Book 75: Hadith 318]
Dhikr- Increase  the amount of Dhikr (more of extra salat, reading more of the quran, tasbeeh etc.). While reading the Quran try to contemplate on the meanings of the verses you recite and to connect with them. During  Salat try to make your prayers longer, deeper and meaningful. If you are familiar with longer Surahs, read the translation and explanation and then recite these Surahs in Salat (qayam-ul-lail or night prayer), carefully reflecting on the meaning while you pray.
Narrated Aisha:
With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work hard) and used to pray all the night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers. (Bukhari 3:241)
This time of the month is very precious for the benefit of our souls and akhira and we are solely responsible for our gain and loss. Alhamdullillah, we are still present today, blessed with the opportunity to have witnessed yet another Ramadan and to repent for our misdeeds. To strive to increase our good deeds and take full advantage of this opportunity. Some of our brothers and sisters who were present and active last Ramadan are no longer here this year, May Allah grant them paradise, Ameen. This may be our last opportunity too, so we ought to do our best and avail it. May Allah guide us to the best and grant us His mercy, forgiveness and deliverance from Hellfire, Ameen.

lundi 22 août 2011

Common errors made during Ramadhan (10 Lessons)

Common errors made during Ramadhan (10 Lessons)
source: Al-Jumuah Magazine, Vol 8, Issue 9

1. Excessive spending: Ramadhan should be a time to avoid being wasteful, and learning to be prepared in facing harder times by distinguishing the needs from the luxuries. Unfortunately, many people go beyond their limits to spend during Ramadhan. Whether in the varieties of food that they savor each night, or by the other types of spending.

2. Staying awake during the night and sleeping during the day: Some people sleep during most of the day when they are fasting. Ramadhan is not a time of being lazy, and this do not allow the full benefit from the experience of fasting. It is as if they have only inverted their nights into days and vice versa. In addition, some may spend a great portion of the night indulging in eating and drinking and socializing

3. Spending more time in socializing: Because people invite each other more often during Ramadhan they do tend to spend more time socializing with friends, and relatives. While it is a good deed to feed the fasting person, this should not result in precious time lost in vain talk. Use the occasion for remembering Allah and offering additional prayers, and for the Da'wah to Allah.

4. Insisting on performing a certain number of Rakaas during the Tarawih (night) prayer to the point of not praying behind the Imam and thus forfeiting the benefit of congregational prayer. This might also bring hatred and disagreement between the Muslims of one community.

5. Reading Qur'an too fast: Some insist on finishing the whole Qur'an once or more, even if they have to read very fast. Although reading the Qur'an many times is desirable, this should not be done hastily, especially during the Tarawih prayer without pondering upon its meaning. Allah ta'ala said: "This is a Book which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses," (Saad 38:29), and the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said: "Those who read the Qur'an in less than three days do not grasp [its meaning]"

6. Socializing in l'tikaf: Many people are eager to do I'tikaf but some confine themselves in the masjid not to pray and worship Allah but to talk and socialize.

7. The ways of doing good are numerous in Ramadhan Many people try to perform more than they are able to. By going beyond their capabilities, they end up not performing any deed in the desired way.

8. Scholars and Dai'ahs should assume a more prominent role in educating the people - both by talking to them and by giving the best example in their behavior which should comply to the Shariah and following the Sunnah.

9. The Muslim should realize that his priorities dictate that he does what benefits him in the Hereafter and should not put worldly interests first.

10. The Muslim should apply himself to deepen his sense of following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, in every aspect of his life, at all times and especially during the month of Ramadhan. This necessitates seeking more knowledge about the Fiqh of fasting and its etiquette, assimilating the wisdom and goals of fasting, and facilitating the means that allow all the Muslims to benefit from their fasting.

We ask Allah to accept our fast and our good deeds.

vendredi 19 août 2011

Why is fasting haraam for menstruating women?

Praise be to Allaah.  

The believer has to submit to the ruling of Allaah and accept it even if he does not know the reason behind it; rather it should be sufficient for him that Allaah and His Messenger have commanded it. 

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed into a plain error”
[al-Ahzaab 33:36] 

“The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allaah (His Words, the Qur’aan) and His Messenger , to judge between them, is that they say: ‘We hear and we obey.’ And such are the successful (who will live forever in Paradise)”
[al-Noor 24:51] 

The believer should believe with certainty of faith that Allaah is Wise and that He does prescribe anything except in accordance with His ultimate wisdom, and He does not enjoin anything except that which is in people’s best interests and He does not forbid anything except to protect people  from its harm and evil. How well Ibn Katheer put it in al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah (6/79) when he said:  

The law of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the most complete of laws; it did not leave any good thing that is recognized by the wise as being good but it enjoined it, and it did not leave any evil thing that is recognized by the wise as being evil but it forbade it. It has not enjoined anything of which people could say, ‘Would that this were not enjoined,’ and it has not forbidden anything of which people could say, ‘Would that this were not forbidden.’ 

We may understand the reasons, or they may be hidden from us, and most or part of them may be hidden from us. 

The scholars are unanimously agreed that it is forbidden for a menstruating woman to fast, and that she has to make up the days that she misses because of menstruation if that was an obligatory fast, as in Ramadaan. 

They are also agreed that if she does fast, her fast is not valid. See question no.50282

The scholars differed as to the reason why the fast of a menstruating woman is not valid.  

Some of them said that the reason is not known to us. 

Imam al-Haramayn said: We do not know why her fast is not valid, because purity is not a prerequisite for it. 

From al-Majmoo’, 2/386. 
Others said: The reason why Allaah has forbidden menstruating women to fast at the time of their period is out of mercy towards them, because loss of blood weakens them and if a woman were to fast when menstruating, she would be weakened both by menstruation and by fasting, in which case fasting would be an unfair burden and may even be harmful. 
Shaykh al-Islam [Ibn Taymiyah] said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (25/234): 

With regard to menstruation we say: 
Islam brings moderation in all things, and going to extremes in worship is a kind of unfairness that the Lawgiver forbids, and commands us to be moderate in worship. Hence Islam tells us to hasten breaking the fast and to delay suhoor, and it forbids continual fasting. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best and most moderate of fasting is the fast of Dawood (peace be upon him). He used to fast alternate days and he would not flee when meeting the enemy.” Moderation in worship is one of the greatest aims of the Lawgiver. Hence Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

“O you who believe! Make not unlawful the Tayyibaat (all that is good as regards foods, things, deeds, beliefs, persons) which Allaah has made lawful to you, and transgress not. Verily, Allaah does not like the transgressors”
[al-Maa'idah 5:67] 

Forbidding permitted things is regarded as a transgression which goes against moderation. And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

“For the wrongdoing of the Jews, We made unlawful for them certain good foods which had been lawful for them — and for their hindering many from Allaah’s Way;

161. And their taking of Ribaa (usury) though they were forbidden from taking it”
[al-Nisa’ 4:160] 

Because they went astray, they were punished by being forbidden good things, unlike the ummah that follows the middle way, for whom good things are allowed and bad things are forbidden. As this is the case, the fasting person is forbidden to eat and drink things that strengthen him and nourish him, and he is forbidden to deliberately cause his body to eject things that may weaken him. Otherwise if he were allowed to do that, he would be a transgressor and one who goes to extremes in his worship, and he would not be moderate. 

Things that come out of the body are of two types. The first type is those that are unavoidable or which come out in a manner that does not cause any harm. There is nothing wrong with these, like urine and stools, because they do not cause any harm and they cannot be avoided. If they need to come out, that does not harm a person, rather it benefits him; the same applies if a person vomits and cannot help it, or experiences a wet dream, which also cannot be helped. But if a person vomits deliberately and ejects the food and drink that give him nourishment, or masturbates accompanied by feelings of desire … and the menstruation that causes blood to flow. A menstruating women can fast at a time other than the times when she is bleeding, because then she will be fasting at a time when she is in a good state, when she is not losing blood which gives strength to the body.  Fasting at the time when she is bleeding would weaken her physically and would mean that she is fasting at a time when she is not in a good state, so she is commanded to fast at times other than menstruation.

Source: islamqa.com

jeudi 18 août 2011

Video: Ramadan Reruns - Baba Ali

The point of the video is to make people more conscious of these silly actions so they will think twice before they do it during the next Ramadan. Reminding myself before anyone else, Ramadan is a blessing so let's try not to take it for granted but rather take advantage of it by increasing our Iman (faith) so we can become better Muslims, even after Ramadan is over InshAllah.

mercredi 17 août 2011

Understanding Ramadan: The Blessed Month Of Mercy

The Blessed Month of Mercy
By Seema Muhammad Belushi

Allah subhanahu wa ta’laa says in the Qur’an: And I (Allah) created not the jinn and humans except they should worship Me (Alone)…Adh-Dhariyat 51:56

In this ayah from the Qur’an Allah is reminding us about the purpose of our lives, that we (humans) have been created just to worship Allah alone…Many people especially the younger generation today may think otherwise, that if a human was created just to worship Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa then why did He create the Angels for worship? For Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa has created the Angels who have been worshipping Allah even before the first human was created! There are Angels who (only Allah knows their exact number) are in unremitting prostration; there are ones who praise Allah day and night, and they are doing it in a better way than us humans.

No doubt the Angels have been worshipping Allah before the time the humans were created but there is a difference between an Angel and a human’s worshipping of Allah…The Angels who are sin-free, have been given the power to worship Allah effortlessly/incessantly without fatiguing, as they have been programmed in such a way that they are always obedient to their lord and do not have a free will to do as they please. Hence they do not feel hunger, thirst, or have sexual desires. Even their hearts are clean from committing a sin; in fact they don’t even get whispers from the shaytaan like humans do. And the truth is the Angels do not have any rewards from Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa for their worship! Where as we (humans) have been given this opportunity to accumulate as much of rewards as we want by our worship of Allah…subhanAllah!

So if the Angels don’t eat it’s not a big deal as the yearning for eating has not been put in them. But a human was born weak with all the necessities of life like eating, drinking, and sexual desire even the Prophets; who were the best of all creations had to eat and drink to keep alive. Now if a human feels hungry and he does not eat just because Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa has commanded him not to eat but keep a fast from morning till evening then this is really something amazing which even an angel is not able to achieve. Allah has said fasting is for Me and I will reward the person who fasts… Isn’t it wonderful to receive a reward for being obedient to your Creator and pleasing Him? Reward for not eating or drinking? Yes! How?

For in veracity fasting helps us to accomplish Taqwa of Allah which is a state of being cognizant of our Creator all the time. Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says which translates as: “Take provisions for your journey, but the best provision is Taqwa, or piety and righteousness” Al-Baqarah: 197. It is actually the righteous and pious who are truly the happy ones in this life. By worshipping Allah, they will occupy the highest ranks in Paradise in the Hereafter.

O Believers, with the blessed month of Ramadan fast approaching us. A month in which Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala has made obligatory upon you to fast so that you might become righteous, pious, fearful and conscious of Allah. We humans are at the mercy of our limbs, such as our eyes, ears, hands, tongues, stomachs and the private parts. The heart is the leader and regulator of all of these. The heart ‘fasts’ when it directs its worship and service completely and purely for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. It does this by submitting to His Glory, seeking closeness to Him, addressing and approaching Him and supplicating to Him.

Unfortunately nowadays people keep grousing about how long fasting will be this year, as it’s in summer!! Yes, it’s going to be a bit hard, so it is important to eat foods that will give you the correct resistance throughout the working day... for fasting is not just about eating or drinking but for our spiritual augmentation which is the most important thing for us, here too the Angels have been deprived this opportunity, and Allah has only given this chance to us humans for our own benefit. Further, you need to have eeman and correct intentions to realize it is purely for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa taalaa ( just imagine the rewards which you will gather in the akhira, one of which is You will get to enter Jannah through a door called Ar-Rayan which is mainly for the ones who fast! A VIP service just for the fasters!! subhanAllah!!

One thing you must be thankful for is that you have food for you sitting on your table, unlike some people worldwide who are just having perhaps one meal (or nothing at all) and are dying due to hunger. So Prepare yourself psychologically and comprehend, that this month could be your chance for all your sins( of the past 11 months!) to be forgiven in sha Allah, who knows if we will even make it till the next 15 days and who knows if this may be our last Ramadan!?

Now if you enter something with optimistically, this will be the result. If you go into Ramadan with a negative attitude, then that is how you will feel…

Be appreciative towards Allah subhanahu wa taalaa, for He has asked us to fast only for 30 days out of 365! subhanAllah!!.

I wish you all a blessed Ramadan in sha Allah!

mardi 16 août 2011

Ramadan Food/Kitchen Special: Easy to Make Recipes

Ramadan Recipes
By Farheen Naaz

Every Ramadan the biggest task women face is to balance time between praying and cooking! We want to spend the least amount of time in our kitchen and more on the prayer mat. Here are a few easy to make and less time consuming recipes.

A tip I’d like to share here is, it’d earn us rewards as well as make the food tastier if we recite various adhkaar while preparing food items for iftar! It sure makes a difference!

Chicken Kabab

Chicken mince 1/2 kg
Degi red chilli powder 1tbsp
Salt 1 tsp
Brown onion 4tbsp (grinded)
1 big onion finely chopped
Paste of : garlic (2 cloves) + 4-5 green chillies + 4-5 tbsp coriander seeds

Mix all the ingredients and marinate for 1 hour. Make any shape you like. Heat some butter and fry on medium flame till done.

Golden Baby Corn

Baby corns: 20 – 24 (1 small can is sufficient for a family of 5}
Ginger garlic paste: 1 tbsp
Red chili powder: 1.2 tsp
Oil: to deep fry
Refined flour 2 tbsp
Corn flour 2 tbsp
Coriander, chopped 1tsp
Red chilli powder 1/4 tsp

  1. Marinate the boiled baby corns in gg paste, red chilli powder, salt and chat masala for 15 minutes

  2. Make batter by mixing all ingredients with sufficient water

  3. Dip marinated corn in batter and deep fry till golden and crisp

PS: I used the tinned baby corns so didn't marinate them but just used a little extra gg paste and red chilli powder in the batter and dipped them directly.

Easy Samosa Filling

Oil 3 tbsp
Mashed potatoes ½ kg
Mint leaves grinded into a paste – 4 tbsp
Green chillies grinded – 2
Salt as per taste

Heat oil in a wok and sauté green chillies paste for one minute. Add the mint leaves paste and sauté on medium flame till aroma arises. Add mashed potatoes, salt and mix. Keep on low flame for two to three minutes or until the mint gets incorporated into the mashed potatoes.

You can use this filling in the ready to make samosa patties or use it as a filling for parathas.

lundi 15 août 2011

Ramadhan : The Month Of Charity, Patience And Mercy

Ramadhan : The Month Of Charity, Patience And Mercy
By Ni'mah Ali

I have titled this article ‘the month of charity, patience, and mercy because this month is just that. Certainly, it is the month of starting over. It’s the month when we Muslims are most hopeful in Allah’s’ forgiveness and mercy. It is the month when you will see those who are religiously committed and those who are not rushing to the masaajids, women who have not observed the hijab before covering up, people who never performed salaat before praying and why is this we wonder? Why do people put up so much effort in Ramadan that they otherwise don’t? Because in Ramadan the biggest of the shayateen (devils) are chained up and people rush to do good so they can be forgiven for their past sins. It is this month that many people are guided to the straight path, and many people are forgiven for their previous sins and Allah turns to them in mercy and gives them true guidance. But it is only those who take full advantage of this great months’ many benefits who will reap its fruits. The prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to say to the people in Sha’ban just when Ramadan was approaching

"O Muslims! A noble and generous month has come to you. A month in which a night is better than one thousand months, and this month is the month of charity, patience, and mercy. In this month the gates of Paradise become wide open and the gates of Hell are shut, and the devils are chained" (An-Nasa'i).

So we must take full advantage of this month and not let a single minute pass us by without remembering Allah, without doing good deeds such as praying more, giving charity, helping the poor, and calling on Allah night and day to help us, save us from our false desires, the shaytan’s tricks and always asking for Jannah. Not that we should not do good deeds on a daily basis during other months, of course we should, but during Ramadan, every good deed we do is worth so much more. It is a blessed month in which there is peace and calmness among people and on earth and in this month there is a great opportunity to get closer to Allah. The sahaaba used to ask Allah to bless them to witness and participate in Ramadan six months before Ramadan even started—this shows us how great and blessed this month truly is. People of knowledge and those who want to get closer to Allah will yearn for Ramadan because they know the benefits it carries.

Ramadan is not only about fasting, but it is about doing all good deeds which will get you closer to Allah; it is about staying far away from all bad things for the sake of Allah so we can discipline our souls, purify our hearts and have patience in the long hours without food during the day. Ramadan is the time in which we have a glimpse at what many people in the world go through; hunger, thus we become more thankful to Allah for giving us good food, not only that but we remember all the good things in our lives with which Allah has blessed us with. During Ramadan it is good to forgive those who have hurt you knowingly or unknowingly for Allah is most forgiving and loves those who forgive others. In part two of this article, I will inshaAllah, attempt to discuss exactly what are the best deeds we can focus on during Ramadan. Also, just like Ramadan is most special among all the months, there are days in Ramadan which are more special—I am talking about the last ten days, and specifically laytul Qadar. So stay tuned!

dimanche 14 août 2011

25 Golden Advices For Ramadan

 25 Golden Advices For Ramadan

1. Fast Ramadan with belief and truly seeking the reward of Allah the Most High so that He may forgive you your past sins.

2. Beware of breaking your fast during the days of Ramadan without a valid Islamic excuse, for it is from the greatest of sins.

3. Pray Salat ut-Taraweeh and the night prayer during the nights of Ramadan – especially on Layatul-Qadr – based on belief and truly seeking the reward of Allah, so that Allah may forgive you your past sins.

4. Make sure that your food, your drink and your clothing are from halal means, in order that your actions be accepted, and your supplications answered. Beware of refraining from the halal while fasting and breaking your fast with the haram.

5. Give food to some fasting people to gain a reward similar to theirs.

6. Perform your five prayers on time in congregation to gain the reward and Allah's protection.

7. Give a lot of charity for the best charity is that of Ramadan.

8. Beware of spending your time without performing righteous deeds, for you will be responsible and reckoned for it and will be rewarded for all you do during your time.

9. Perform `umrah in Ramadan for `Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj.

10. Seek help for fasting during the day by eating the sahoor meal in the last part of the night before the appearance of Fajr.

11. Hasten breaking your fast after the sun has truly set in order to gain the love of Allah.

12. Perform ghusl before fajr if you need to purify yourself from the state of major impurity so that you are able to do acts of worship in a state of purity and cleanliness.

13. Cease the opportunity of being in Ramadan and spend it with the good that has been revealed in it – by reciting the noble Quran and pondering and reflection of its meanings so that it be a proof for you with your Lord and an intercessor for you on the Day of Reckoning.

14. Preserve your tongue from lying, cursing, backbiting and slander for it decreases the reward of fasting.

15. Do not let fasting cause you cross your boundaries by getting upset due to the slightest of reasons. Rather, fating should be a cause of peacefulness and tranquility of your soul.

16. Upon completion of fasting, be in a state of taqwa of Allah the Most High, being aware of Allah watching you in secret and in public, in thankfulness for His favors, and steadfastness upon obedience of Allah by doing all what He has ordered and shunning all that He has prohibited.

17. Increase in remembrance of Allah, seeking of forgiveness, asking for Paradise and protection against the Fire, especially when fasting, while breaking the fast and during suhoor, for these actions are among greatest causes of attaining Allah's forgiveness.

18. Increase in supplication for yourself, your parents, your children and Muslims, for Allah has ordered making of supplications and has guaranteed acceptance.

19. Repent to Allah with a sincere repentance in all times by leaving sins, regretting those that you have done before and firmly deciding not to return to them in the future, for Allah accepts repentance of those who repent.

20. Fast six days of Shawwal, for whoever fasts Ramadan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal, it is as if he fasts all the time.

21. Fast on the Day of `Arafah, the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, to attain success by being forgiven your sins of the last year and the coming year.

22. Fast on the day of `Aashuraa, the 10th of Muharram, along with the 9th, to attain success by being forgiven your sins of the past year.

23. Continue being in a state of iman and taqwa and perform righteous actions after the month of Ramadan, until you die. And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (i.e. death). [Quran 15:99]

24. Ensure that you attain the positive effects of your acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj, sincere repentance and leaving of customs that are in variance with the Sharee`ah.

25. Invoke a lot of salawat and salam upon the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, his Companions and all those who follow them until the Day of Judgment.


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