jeudi 9 juin 2011

Poem: We are with you, Aafia Siddiqui


This one is for Aafia Siddiqui
Where there is no one that can see
The pain that she is going through
Being beaten black and blue
A Muslim woman, a detainee
Who constantly hopes to be free
All alone in an unknown cell
No one knowing if she is well
She is a skilled Muslim doctor
Who could have easily cured ya
Instead she is face full of tears
Filled with sorrows and fears
Wrongly classed as a terrorist
Do they even know what that is?
Convicted for a crime she didn’t do
That could have been me or you
Same place lying in her shoes
The lights out on a fuse
In a complete dead end
In desperate need of a friend
A companion to stay by her side
Someone in who she could confide
But all we hear is her screams and cries
Whilst the media is blinding us with lies
No one can sympathize or understand
No one can go there to lend her a hand
You are confused not knowing any further
That could’ve been your sister, daughter, or mother
She is there without her family and children
Any mother would be craving for them
Thinking about what condition they would be in
Wondering if they would they be crying or sleeping?
Smiling or weeping?
The abuse that is taking place in the prison
She tries to be strong but it’s hurting within her
They made it impossible to live it’s so hard
Whilst she is in there being starved
Breaking down more and more each day
By listening to the all bullshit they say
But we know it is all lies and fake
Looking at you our hearts break
Our Muslim sister in such difficulty
Enduring the torture being in agony
I would love to hold your hand and walk you out
Wouldn’t care if the guards screamed or shout
I would love to reunite you with your family
To see you finally being let out, being free
Holding your little children who would‘ve grown
Seeing you feel so comfortable in your own home
If I can’t do that then why not be with you
Listen to your painful stories and cry too
Listen to everything that you have to say
I would want to be with you everyday
Anything to make my sister feel like someone is there
So she can open up and her sorrows she’d share
I’ll be that someone who is near
Watching her let go of her fear
And every time she would cry I’d hug her
I’ll be the armour needed to protect her
I’ll tell her she will be able to conquest this test
Just needs to stay unstressed and try her best
Many Muslim sisters are just the same
False claims saying they’re to blame
Whilst the sisters are there lying in pain
Getting raped and beat day in and day out
Struggling to speak let alone wanting to shout
My sisters you have been through a lot
I wish I could bring all this to a stop
We do du’a for you all the time
To save you from this awful crime
For your families to have patience
To try and tolerate your absence
Just remember Allah Subhaana Wa Ta'aala is with the patient
It’ll all be worth it on the day of judgement
All this pain and suffering will have its reward
Something unimaginable, something we can’t afford
InshaAllah you will be in Jannat al-Firdaws
InshaAllah one day soon it will be yours
Just have faith in Allah Subhaana Wa Ta'aala
And always remember He is never far
He is very close to you
And will help you get through
The place you don’t belong
Just remember it won’t take long
I know it is easy to say
But we are with you all the way
May Allah Subhaana Wa Ta'aala give you strength to go through this
We miss you loads; hugs and kisses.

3 commentaires:

Weelllll writtennn!!Barakallahu Fiki! 

I have loads to say about this poem. Firstly, JazakAllah khayr to the writer and to HH for publishing this. I think this issue is overlooked a lot, and I myself wanted to write something on this, so I am glad someone else has done it, Alhamdulillah!

My second comment would be for the editors. I think the word "bullshit" (line-39) should be taken off.

Thirdly, I loved these lines in particular:
Many Muslim sisters are just the same

False claims saying they’re to blame

Whilst the sisters are there lying in pain

There is so much truth in that. I think most of the Muslims are scared. But I think if all of us unite to support such victims, then everyone would be a little less skeptical, insha'Allah. So, I urge everyone to check out the following and share with others insha'Allah:

1) This is the treatment that Islam prescribes for prisoners, Alhamdulillah:

2) This is a great initiative for helping such victims:


The last two initiatives are supported by Yvonne Ridley, Lauren Booth, etc.

Jazak'Alalh khair for sharing after seeing this poem my tears start rolling down..May Allah swt give her strength.Ameen I just cant imagine our sister is suffering so much.May Allah swt give us a strength to fight again's this issues ameen

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