mercredi 4 mai 2011

Poem: If One Day...

If One Day...

“If one day, you are to walk out of my life...
I promise I will never whine and never ask ' why?'
But in return, promise me that you shall
give me back a few things that I ask for.

Promise me that you will give me back
the endless sleepless nights I spent talking with you.
Promise me that you will give me back
the millions of tears I cried begging God to give me you.
Promise me that you will give me back
the hours I spent dreaming of a life with you.
Promise me that you will give me back
all the hopes and faith I had in my heart.

All those nights, I could have slept well
and woke up early to help my folks.
All those tears I could have cried for something
genuine and in asking forgiveness to God.
All those hours I could have been realistic
and thought of life and the hereafter.
All the hopes I had in our love and
the faith I had in you could have been directed to God.

And finally sweetheart, Promise me…
That in the Hereafter you will be there
to stand for me, to fight for me and tell God,
“I used all tactics to make her fall for me
And I led her astray…away from her family..away from prayers..
Away from herself and now away from God…”

So, like you always say “Together in life and together in death”
But, let me add to it now that this one sin will make us
together in hell burning ourselves time and again to death…

- (Shaharban)

17 commentaires:

Jazak Allah Khair Kanka...for posting My Poem.... :)

And Kanika...I was wondering what or who "- (Ghurabaa)" is???
Thanks dear... :)

There has been a confusion between you and one of our other writers from Day 1 subhanaAllah! sorry abt that! I changed it to your name :)

Masha Allah nice one :) ..

May Allah guide us to love in the RIGHT way, not the way of girl friends and boyfriends. Indeed as Allah said in surah Al- Room that he has given love in the hearts of men and women, so love IS a blessing from Allah! Mashallah! Love for Allah's sake and in the correct way, not in the way that would deviate yourself from Allah! Subhanallah!

really impressive sher..though simple it has a charm.Meant for the more common folks.And thats what we need to revive poetry.
Room for lines 4 and 5.endless sleepless,talking with,millions of tears.lines 8,9,10,11 the word "and" could have been omitted.and last word of the poem.death in hell?
Overall great attempt.Beautiful.All the best to keep going.

mashaAllah sis,its GREAT!! what ever you have conveyed is so true as if its the words of my heart too :)
keep up with the good work! may Allah subhanahu wa taala bless you with the best in both worlds ameen

mashaAllah sis,its GREAT!! what ever you have conveyed is so true as if its the words of my heart too :)
keep up with the good work! may Allah subhanahu wa taala bless you with the best in both worlds ameen

Jazak Allah Khairaa Sister....Its these compliments that keep me going and better....God Bless...:)

Thanks a lot, Doc.....for the suggestions... this poem was written yrs ago...wen grammar was not important for me to write down wat I felt....but then I shud've edited before submitting here...thnks again... :)

Aameen...May Allah Guide us the right way.....

Jazak Allahul Khair Kanika..... :)

btw, doc....wat i meant by death again and again is that in Islam suicide is haraam and those who dies that way will keep dying again and again the same way in they go thru that pain over and over....

Oh my Allaaaah!! you have expressed my feeling is these words.....MashaAllaah!
May Allaaah guide us all to the Right Path aameen!!
Jazakilllahu Khairann Kaseeraaa!!!

Subhanallah. beautifully written. May Allah swt guide us on to the straight path. love is indeed a blessing..and May we learn to love for the sake of our creator. Ameen

BarAkAllahu Fiki!
May Allaah help you with ur talent aameen!

everyone will disown each other on the day of judgement:
Sahih International
On the Day you see it every nursing mother will be distracted from that [child] she was nursing, and every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy, and you will see the people [appearing] intoxicated while they are not intoxicated; but the punishment of Allah is severe

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