jeudi 25 novembre 2010

Webinar - Jealousy: How to Kill the Green-eyed Monster with Shaykh Navaid Aziz

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Jealousy: How to Kill the Green-eyed Monster
Where: Online
When: Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 5:00-6:00 PM EST
Who: Presented by shaykh Navaid Aziz

AreYou Sick and Tired of the Constant Struggle, Pain, Embarrassment andHumiliation That Jealousy is Causing In Your Life? The prophet (saws)said: "A true servant of God cannot feel jealous - he is content withwhat God has chosen for Him, and for others." Research says: "Jealousycreates anxiety, anger, loneliness, hate, fear. No one thinks clearlywhen jealous." If you're finally ready to say..."Stop thejealousy--I've had enough" then... Get Ready To Learn The Simple StepsYou Need to Take To Stop The Jealousy Now-- BEFORE it Rips Your life inthis worldand the hereafter To Shreds...!  

Inthis webinar Shaykh Navaid will focus on the disease of jealousy andgive us tips on how to get rid of this green-eyed monster to achieve asound heart.

Remember that a day will come where you shall stand in front ofyour Lord and nothing will benefit you on that day until you have apure heart.

Navaid Aziz is a graduate of the Islamic University of Madinah wherehe spent three years attaining a diploma in Arabic before attaining hisBachelor's Degree in Shari’ah. His main areas of interest include:Aqeedah, Hadeeth, Qawaa'id fiqhiyah and Maqaasid ash-Shari'ah. ShNavaid plans to pursue his Master's degree in either Arabic orReligious Studies.

Navaid Aziz has studied under many prominent scholars in Saudi Arabiaincluding: Sh. Ahmad Rashid Ar-Ruhaily, Sh. Salih As-Sindhee, Sh. SalihAl-'Aqeel, Sh. Ahmad Al-Ghunaymaan, Sh. Mohammad MukhtarAsh-Shinqueetee, Sh. Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad. Sh. Abdur-RazzaqAl-'Abbad, just to name a few.

This is a sisters only event
Online webcast with audio and visual presentation
For maximum benefit, try your best to attend this event live.
Toronto Time: 5 pm EST
Chicago Time: 4 pm CST
LA Time: 2 pm PST
Egypt Time: 2 am
London Time: 10 pm

Suggested Donation: $ 5

Jealousy: How to Kill the Green-eyed Monster
Where: Online
When: Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 5:00-6:00 PM EST
Who: Presented by shaykh Navaid Aziz

4 commentaires:

Are you going to have this program recorded, I would really like to see it but i will not be able to attend tomorow at scheduled time.

Please let me know.

why is this sisters only?

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Is there a recording for this webinar inshallah?

Assalamu alaikum,

I couldnt make it to this webinar unfortunately. Was it recorded?

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