mardi 16 mars 2010

the fiqh of menstruation - Review

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9 commentaires:

looking forward to it!!!!

a believer is never defiled! SubhanAllah...

Jazakum Allah Khair for your webinar.......
I didn't expect that you will explain too deeply and discuss with us everypoint.U clear a lot of points
I hadn't heard that Ahadeeth that you mentioned...I thought that Prophet's wives would feel hesiatation, you know, He SAW was Prophet,somehing like that,But Mash'a Allah.
He was very romentic and His love towards his Wives,Subhan ALlah.I Also Thought that He loved only Hazrat Ayesha Raw( may Allah forgive me) But nooo,He also showed His love towards His other wives(like in case of Umme Salma RAW in one woolen blanket).
Looking 4rd for more information.......
Jazakum Allah khiar once again
Take Care
Ma'al Salam

@Anonymous: Waiyyaki! jazzakum allahu khairan for attending and for your positive feedback, alhumduillah. I really wanted to bring out that aspect - prophet (sal allahu alayhi wa sallam)'s behavior towards his wives because thats not frequently brought up in our societies ... alhumdulillah :)

Here is the recording of this event:
Please provide us feedback by emailing us at !
and share this post with as many sisters as you can !

Unfortunately I missed both webinars, I reallyyy wanted to increase my ilm on this topic since it's so relevant and it's so importnat for us to understand the proper ilm and fiqh of this topic...inshAllah will a recording be available for this past webinar?

JazakAllahu khayran,

Here is the recording of this event:
Please provide us feedback by emailing us at !
and share this post with as many sisters as you can !

I could not attend this webinar , please tell me how do i get to know all that was discussed in it ?

@Anoymous: Here is the recording of this event:

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